Mini-sketch on a military theme. School scenes on a military theme. Collection of scenarios on patriotic education (mine) Scenario on a military theme

Patriotic event. Scenario.

Author: Tolstova Olga Vladimirovna teacher - organizer.
Place of employment: MBOU DOD "Center for additional education for children"

Scenario of the patriotic event "Youth scorched by the Afghan war"

Goals: Raise a sense of patriotism through a story about the war and the heroes of the war.

The event is held at the Museum of Military Glory - Internationalist Warriors.

Program progress:

Host: Good afternoon, students of TSSh No. 1 and dear Nadezhda Ivanovna. I am glad to welcome you to the Center for Continuing Education. Today I want to tell and show you the Museum of Military Glory of Internationalist Warriors, which is located in our Center and has been operating since June 1, 2005.

Tell me, guys, what do you think museums are for?

(children's answers).

Without love for the Motherland, its present and future, without knowledge of the history of one's state, it is impossible to build a future. The feeling of patriotism is laid down from childhood, grows with a person, and it begins with understanding and respect for one's ancestors, in my opinion, every person should know about the exploits of grandfathers and great-grandfathers, so that generations of children and grandchildren live happily, so that there is a peaceful sky overhead - that's for the sake of why they gave their lives, fought, fought with enemy force. Tell me guys, do you study history at school?
(children's answers).

What events did your teacher tell you about?

(children's answers).

In addition to the Second World War, there were a number of other wars and armed conflicts: this is the Afghan war and the Chechen armed conflict. Our Museum of Military Glory of Internationalist Warriors reflects the era of that time; rich material about wars and soldiers is collected here, which I will show you today.

I would like to devote today's meeting with you to the Afghan war.
Afghanistan is a mountainous country. About 80% of its territory is covered with mountains, hot, scorching sun, sands, almost no vegetation. You can see the nature of Afghanistan in the pictures drawn by students from different schools in our region.
(show pictures).

There are quite a lot of immigrants from the Central Asian republics in this country: Tajiks, Uzbeks, Turkmens, there are also Kyrgyz, Armenians and even Jews. In Afghanistan, tribal tribal settlements that lead a nomadic lifestyle have been preserved.
The Afghan war began on December 25, 1979, lasted until February 15, 1989, that is, armed operations went on for 2238 days. Where did it all begin? For more than half a century, the Soviet Union had friendly, good-neighborly political and economic relations with Afghanistan. Our relations with that country were closely watched by the United States. After the Saur (Saur-April) revolution in 1978, when the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, led by Mohammed Taraki, came to power, the United States and 40 other countries immediately recognized the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Until 1979 everything was calm in our relationship. Alarming symptoms appeared in the first half of 1979. At that time, anti-government armed attacks broke out in a number of provinces in Afghanistan. In the Afghan leadership, Taraki is removed from power. Forced expropriation of land and other property began in the country. The clergy, which for thirty centuries influenced the processes taking place in the life of the Afghans, was subjected to persecution and physical destruction. The northeastern regions of Afghanistan began to get out of control of the people's power and were preparing to proclaim a new state or join Pakestan. In this situation, the leadership of Afghanistan began to continuously ask for help from the USSR, starting from March 1979. The Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU accepts in December 1979. the decision to respond to the requests of the Afghans and send troops into the territory of Afghanistan.
After December 25, the entry of Soviet troops began, and on December 28, a new leadership of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan was formed, headed by Barak Karnal. When the decision was made, the country's leadership assumed that the troops were sent in temporarily to protect the most important centers and facilities together with the Afghan army, that they would not conduct combat operations. Already in February 1980. the question of withdrawing troops was discussed. But just at this time, the opposing side, supported by the United States, begins active operations, carries out acts of sabotage, direct attacks on our units. The question of the withdrawal of troops was rejected. Speaking about Afghanistan, it should be noted that the main part of the society of Afghanistan consisted of peasants and nomads. She lived and developed according to the age-old laws of Islam, Sharia and mountain tribal traditions. Among the completely illiterate peasant masses, the main ideologists were the mullahs. They did not obey anyone, their power over people was omnipotent. For the feudal lords, wealthy families, changes in society were perceived with hostility, they preferred to go to the mountains, to Pakestan, Iran, and from there to fight the new government. Up to 200 large training centers were set up in the border zones of Pakistan and Iran to train militants and terrorists to conduct combat and subversive operations on the territory of Afghanistan. The main actions of militants are night ambushes, attacks on guard posts, attacks on settlements, mining roads, terrorist and sabotage acts. Schools, hospitals, other facilities were destroyed, people were killed. At the same time, dushmans built various other objects at the expense of American assistance, trying to make them better than those built by the Soviet people.

At that difficult time, our compatriots, the guys from Tyazhin, who were doing military service and were sent to Afghanistan to fulfill their military duty, also got into the Afghan war. I want to tell you about these defenders of the Fatherland.

Host: During the Afghan war, thousands of Soviet soldiers showed courage and bravery in Afghanistan. Among them are 4 thousand Kuzbass workers, 35 soldiers from the Tyazhinskiy district. Our Museum presents an exposition called “Youth Scorched by the Afghan War”, here are 24 Afghan warriors
(list the soldiers).

All warriors-compatriots were awarded military distinctions. Many of the soldiers who passed along the roads of the Afghan war returned to their native region and live and work safely in it. Maybe you had to meet some of them, communicate, maybe you are familiar with some of them?
(talk to children)

Speaking about the Afghan soldiers, I would like to mention one of them, this person made a special contribution to the development of patriotism in the Tyazhin district - this is Sergey Aleksandrovich Kamardin (combat veteran, war participant). His years of service in Afghanistan - 1980-1981. Sergei served in Kobul, was a senior driver in a food transport colony. Carried out transportation, the path ran through the mountain Salang. During the largest Bomiyan operation, Sergei was blown up by a mine, was shell-shocked, treated in a field hospital, then returned to the unit again. Sergei Alexandrovich was the first to raise the issue of creating a public organization "Russian Union of Afghan Veterans" in the region. With his diligence and perseverance, he brought this idea to life. The issue of the candidacy of the chairman of the regional branch of the RSVA was not discussed, it was Kamardin S.A. Thus, the history of the veteran movement was developed in the Tyazhinskiy district in the late 1980s.

Among the soldiers of the Afghans, I would like to note Morozov Stanislav Nikolaevich. He went through two wars, Afghan and Chechen. Stanislav Nikolaevich was born in the village of Stupishino, Tyazhinskiy district. After graduating from a military school, he began service in the Omsk region. For 6 years he grew from a platoon commander to a battalion commander. He took part in the most difficult operations, after one of which he ended up in the hospital on September 12, 1996. Colonel Morozov by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation for the courage and heroism shown in the performance of special. tasks, was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation and he was awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of Russia. In 2007 he died while on duty.

The Afghan war, like any other war, claimed hundreds, thousands of lives, not all the soldiers of that war survived the deadly battle. Two soldiers did not return to our Tyazhinsky district from the Afghan war - these are Izupov Alexander Gennadievich and Netesov Alexander Pavlovich.

From the damned war
The funeral rushed to the house -
For relatives, the light has faded,
The world turned upside down.
How so? Why? Why?
We are asking for a few things:
Pray for them, for him...
From that gang war
Empty forever father's house
Only longing and sadness
Bitter mother's tears in it.
How so? Why? From what?
So who to ask for them?
For him?

These lines are addressed to the brave warrior of the Afghan war Netesov Alexander Pavlovich. With the rank of major, he was assigned to the Krasnoznamensky Turkestan Military District. Served as battalion chief of staff. Since December 1979 the battalion performed international duty in Afghanistan. May 22, 1980 died in a car accident while on duty.
A striking example of selfless service to the Motherland is the feat of our countryman Izupov Alexander Gennadievich. He died while providing international assistance to the Afghan people on August 20, 1988. , a senior sergeant, risking his life, evacuated a wounded comrade from the battlefield, covered him with his body. He died like a hero, selflessly fulfilling his military duty.

The dead participants in the Afghan war, Izupov and Netesov, were posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Star. In 2004 memorial plaques were opened on the building of the school where the children studied (Itat village, Tyazhinsky district).

Years pass and wounds heal
But the memory is alive, it hurts the heart,
For those who did not return home from Afghanistan,
Who has granite laid on his grave?

Let's honor our heroes with a minute of silence.

This is not the end of our meeting, we are moving on to an important stage of getting to know the soldiers. Now we will go to the museum, which stores the personal belongings of servicemen, clothes, hats, marching attributes, personal accessories, bulletproof vests, combat equipment, military insignia.

Children are viewing the exhibits of the museum.

Not enough gold of all countries,
To pay off grief and tears,
brought by Afghanistan.
Let's not forget their names
And we vow to remember them always!
They are the heroes of today!

With this our meeting came to an end. The Museum of Military Glory is always waiting for you, its doors are always open, I hope you learned a lot of interesting and useful things today, remember and be proud of the exploits of your people, respect your history, love your homeland, goodbye, see you soon!

Dear friends, how often do we remember war veterans, pay attention to them and, in general, thank them for PEACE in our time? We invite you to hold an unscheduled event on a military-patriotic theme in order to please the participants in the war and once again show the guys how important it is to keep peace on Earth. Use the posted in our section.

Hello, dear children, dear adults!
- Today, on the eve of the holiday, we have gathered with creative numbers of a staged patriotic song.
- Today, each of us will be a performer, an actor, and a director.

The time of heroes usually makes you feel like the past.
Major battles come from books and movies
The main dates are cast in newspaper lines,
The main destinies have become history for a long time.

Time for heroes, by the highest right
You gave far and near years
Valor and glory, and a long good memory
Time for heroes, what have you left us?

You left us the clear sky of the Fatherland,
House and road, and tender bread on the table,
You left us the most important thing in life -
The joy of working in a peaceful, happy land.

A class is invited to the stage with a musical composition "War does not have a woman's face"
February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. In each of us in the family, someone wore, wears or is preparing to wear shoulder straps. Celebrating this holiday and being proud of it, we express our respect to the heroes of the country, the defenders of our Motherland at all times.

You swear allegiance to the Fatherland,
Doing your military duty
Protect humanity from disaster
Your time has come inevitably.

Day of the oath solemnly - strict
The officer remembers and the private
Let your soldiers' roads
Always bring home

The class is invited to the stage:
Life is given only once
And you fulfill my order.
Wealth, her life must be cherished, it is necessary to cherish
Bitter meetings, perhaps you will not escape,
But if you value life
Overcome everything on the way, and do not miss the chance to live.

But if tomorrow there is suddenly a war,
Pay your debt, son, in full,
Protect the country, soldier
And stand in the way of death.

The class "Songs of the War Years" is invited to the stage

In Belarus, the Nazis killed over 2 million 200 thousand citizens. The invaders burned and destroyed about 210 cities and towns, 9200 villages.

In World War II, humanity faced criminals whose goal was to exterminate and enslave entire peoples and races.

The mind of mankind does not accept those monstrous atrocities brought about by World War II.

A class is invited to the stage with the theatrical and musical composition "A Moment of War"

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a national holiday, we also call this holiday Men's Day.
On this holiday, it is simply necessary to congratulate all representatives of the strong half of humanity. Let them feel loved.

To become a man, it is not enough for them to be born,
To become iron, it is not enough to be ore
Gotta melt down, break down
And how ore to sacrifice yourself.

Invited to the stage with the song "Katyusha"

Scenario of a military-patriotic holiday game for schoolchildren

Game rules and participants
Pupils of 8-11th grades, 4 people per team, take part in the competition. Girls act as cheerleaders and assistants at certain stages.

Competition program
The holiday program includes:
- Grand opening of the military-patriotic game "Young Defenders of the Fatherland";
- the passage of stations-tasks by the participants of the game;
- dance number from fans;
- Summing up the results of the game, awarding the winners and prize-winners;

Beginning of the game
Fanfares are heard, the command “Parade equal! Quietly." Teams are lined up in their predetermined places. Unit commanders submit a report to the judge in front of the participants.
Commander's report: Comrade judge, the team (team name), our motto (they say the motto), for the military-patriotic game dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day, has been built. Team leader (full name). After submitting the report of the commanders, the judge with the participants goes to the commander-in-chief of the military-patriotic game and submits a report to him.
Greetings from the Commander-in-Chief:
February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Our game is dedicated to this significant day. Now, as in the old days, our army is proud of its victories. She has a glorious past and, we hope, a worthy future. And the future of our army is you, our boys and girls today. The power of our army depends on how you grow up. I congratulate you and all those present in this hall on the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Director's greeting

Poem "Veteran's Tale"

Alignment with the flag (The anthem of Russia sounds, the anthem of the Kuban)
The military-patriotic game "Young Defenders of the Fatherland" is declared open.
The host introduces the program of the holiday

After that, the first part of the holiday begins - the station.

Station 1 - "On the Parade Ground"
Venue: gym (room with markings on the floor).
Task: performing drills and commands:

Building in one line;
Team name;
Team motto;
Combat step on the spot, execution of commands: “On the spot, march on the spot!”, “Class, stop!”;
Turns in place.
"Review of the military-patriotic song" (girls sing along to the boys)

The team moves around the hall, sings the song "Katyusha went ashore."

The correct and precise execution of the tasks of the commands, appearance, correct posture are evaluated. For the accurate performance of all tasks, the team receives 5 points.
Rewarding: according to the results of the competition in the nomination "Excellent driller", the best participant (team) is awarded a diploma.

Fan dance

Station 2 "Sappers on exercises"
Inventory: chips, car tires, whistle, two basketballs.
The first participant holds two basketballs. On a signal, he runs, running around the chips, lowers two balls into car tires, returns in a straight line back and passes the baton to the second participant. He runs in a straight line to the tires. He takes two balls from them, returns, running around the chips, passes them to the third participant, and so on, until all participants have passed.
After that, the jury assigns the next military rank.

Cheerleaders dance 2

Station 3 Captains competition.
Stock and equipment: Chairs, rope, gymnastic mat, gymnastic hoop, rope, long bags, whistle.

Task: Two commanders sit on chairs with their backs to each other, hands on their knees. Between the soles of their feet lies a rope. To the left of each commander is a gymnastic mat, on which lies a gymnastic hoop with a dense material fixed along it (so as not to tear) 2-2.5 m long, forming a tunnel. On a signal, each participant must climb into the tunnel, sit on a chair and pull the rope. Whoever pulled it first gets the next military rank for the team.

Station 4 "Landing in action"
Inventory: Balloons (16 pcs.), Skate (2 pcs.), Air pistol (2 pcs.), Gymnastic stick (2 pcs.), Mats (2 pcs.).
Task: On a signal, the first participant lays down on the skateboard with his stomach and with the movements of the swimmer "sails" to the gymnastic mat, leaves the skateboard there, where the judge (necessarily an adult) with an air gun is waiting for him. The participant, at will, lies down or sits on the mat and shoots a balloon, then performs a somersault forward or backward on the mat, sits on a bouncing ball and returns to the team and passes the baton to the next participant who jumps on the ball and returns on the skateboard and so on. If the participant does not hit the ball, then a penalty time (5 seconds) is charged.
The balls are hung on gymnastic sticks.
After this competition, the jury assigns the next military rank, posting on the scoreboard not the number of points scored, but the shoulder straps of the corresponding military ranks.

Cheerleaders dance 3

Station 5 - "Strongmen"
Equipment: Crossbar, gymnastic mats.
Venue: gym
Task: hanging pull-ups on the crossbar. Hanging with an overhand grip, arms shoulder-width apart, legs together. Bend your arms until the chin reaches the level of the hands. The exercise is performed smoothly, without jerking, the legs are straight. The results are summarized and recorded in the final protocol. The time to complete the task is 3-4 minutes.
Rewarding: according to the results of the competition in the nomination "Heroes", the best player is awarded a diploma.

Station 6 - Rope
The competition is held according to the Olympic system according to the draw.

Cheerleaders dance 4

Building teams in the lobby. To the sounds of the march, the teams go to the solemn rewarding.
The floor is given to the Commander-in-Chief of the military-patriotic game "Young Defenders of the Fatherland". Summing up, awarding the winners, organized departure from the holiday.

celebration of the military-patriotic game "Young Defenders of the Fatherland" among students in grades 8-9

Station 1 - "Company, Rise!"
Inventory: sports short form (t-shirt, shorts).
Venue: game room.
Players are engaged in a short sports uniform without shoes. Clothes are folded on a chair in front of the participants. On a signal, they begin to dress and must in 45 seconds. have time to put on trousers, a belt, a shirt, a jacket, shoes.
Only fully dressed is considered to have completed the task. For a neat appearance and good posture, students are additionally awarded 1 point, for an untidy appearance, 1 point is deducted.

Rewarding: According to the results of the competition in the nomination "Real Soldier", the best player is awarded a diploma.

Station 2 - "Brainstorm"
Inventory: sheets of paper and pencils.
Venue: library
Task: for a certain time, name the military ranks and types of troops. The number and correctness of names are evaluated. The time for completing tasks is 3-4 minutes. The team with the most complete answer gets 5 points. The result is recorded in the protocol.

For reference:
Types of Armed Forces:

Air Force (VVS) - attack fighter, army, strategic aviation;
Navy (Navy) - surface, underwater;
Ground forces - tank, artillery, engineering, special forces.

Types of troops:
1. Space Forces.
2. Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN).
3. Airborne Troops (VDV)
Military ranks:
private, corporal, junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant, foreman, junior warrant officer, warrant officer, senior warrant officer, junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army General.
Supreme Commander - President of Russia.
Awards: According to the results of the competition in the nomination "Clever Team", the best team is awarded a diploma
Station 3 - "Medical unit"
Inventory: bandages and cotton wool.
Venue: Medical office.
Task: for a certain time, the team must apply a cotton-gauze bandage to the arm, leg, head. The correctness and accuracy of the task is assessed on a five-point scale. For incorrect or inaccurate performance of the task, one point is deducted.
Rewarding: according to the results of the competition in the nomination "Young Nurse", the best player (team) is awarded a diploma.

Station 4 - "On a halt"
Venue: Sports Hall.
Fans enter the intellectual struggle.


Who is said to be wrong only once? (Sapper)
Which troops retired? (Cavalry)
What is a military shoulder badge called? (epaulettes)

4. What does the word ram mean? (Direct strike of an aircraft, tank, ship.)
5. What types of edged weapons do you know? (Mace, sword, sword, knife, bayonet, saber.)
6. What year is considered the year of the birth of the Red Army? (1918).
7. What medicinal plant is used for bruises and abrasions?
8. What forest plants or parts of them are used to make tea?
(Leaves of strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries.)
9. What is the name of a teenager - the youngest sailor on a ship? (Cabin boy)
10. What do wood and a rifle have in common? (trunk.)

Scenario of the military-patriotic song festival

Whatever time we live in, we, peaceful people, would not like to face the horror of war.

In 1941, we tried to avoid the Great Patriotic War, but it broke into every house and claimed millions of lives. The Soviet people stood up to defend the Fatherland, at the front and in the rear, in partisan detachments and in the underground, day after day they forged victory, sparing no effort and their lives to defeat the enemy. Today, we cannot but remember those who left and did not return.

Our generation says sincere thanks for the fact that we can live.

I would start the story with a song
With the one that sounded on all fronts ...
In the cold, in the cold how many times
This song warmed everyone in the dugouts.
If the song means that a friend is nearby,
So, death will recede, fear ...
And it seemed that there was no war around,
If the song is spinning above you!

Indeed, during this or that war, in a terrible and difficult time for everyone, there was always a song with a person - a song both in sorrow and in joy.

The song expresses our feelings, thoughts, character and destinies...

During the Second World War, the song inspired optimism in our people, perhaps largely thanks to the song, we defeated the German troops.

1. A school student opens our program. №4 Volkova Alina with the song "Memory of the war".

Always, during the war, the main thing for mothers, brides, wives and children was to wait for their defenders of the Fatherland. And they waited until the last, hoped and believed.

Memory has its own indelible account:
Each fallen is alive if he lives in the heart.
Through the rumble of time we hear the roar of those days
These terrible wars remember our guys.

2. With the song "At a nameless height" we invite Yury Tabargin, a student of school No. 14, to the stage.

3. To become a real, devoted defender of the Fatherland is a responsible act of a strong person. Sometimes, from early childhood, boys dream of becoming pilots, paratroopers, sailors in the future, and when they are still very young, they say "Mom, I will definitely be a soldier ...".

4. On the stage, the soloist of the studio "Jam" CDT Podnebesnov Egor with the song "Soldier".

They came back refreshed
They returned proud
Dear dusty, from foreign rivers.
The victorious soldiers
Their drivers' cars,
They saw things that they will never forget.

5. Our concert continues Cherepova Daria - soloist of the studio "Jam" CDT. "You survived, soldier!" is the name of her song.

Every person who loves his Motherland is touched and excited by our simple, primordially Russian nature, full of poetry and charm. Native lands, even if they are not rich, are beautiful for us, the people who inhabit Russia.

Motherland - harsh and sweet,
Remembers all the brutal fights.
Groves grow over the graves,
Cranes fly into the sky.

6. We invite students of gymnasium No. 6 to the stage with the literary and musical composition "Cranes".

Maternal pain is inescapable, incurable,
Maternal pain is not for the eyes, not for memorable dates.
The mother's heart has forgotten the way to rest,
Maternal memory keeps eternally young soldiers.

7. "Mother's Ballad", this is the name of the song performed by the soloist of the studio "Jam" of the Central Children's Theater Salnikova Alesya.

They say "War does not have a woman's face", but ... nurses, signalmen, intelligence officers - they did a lot. They risked their lives, but the worst thing that can be is children in the war. Being young pioneers - they also risked, and later songs were written about them.

8. "Eaglet" - this is the name of the song performed by Zabrodina Anastasia.

Why did you call me darling
That long-awaited bright night?
Why did you call me darling?
Now my fate cannot be changed!
Love must be indivisible
She, like a star trail, is immortal ...
Love must be indivisible
War does not divide love.

9. We invite the vocal group of school. No. 14 with the song "In the dugout".

June… The sunset was fading into the evening.
And the sea overflowed during the white night,
And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,
Not knowing, not knowing grief.
June ... Then we did not know yet
Walking from school evenings
That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,
And it will end only in the 45th, in May ...

10. On stage, the GZhG ensemble with a literary and musical composition about the Second World War.

Before the Russian people had time to forget all the lawsuits of the Great Patriotic War,

As a new misfortune knocked on the door ... And already this year, we counted two decades from that historical moment when the last Soviet soldier left the territory of the Republic of Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan is also a tragic and heroic page in our history.

Years pass and wounds heal
But the memory is alive, it hurts the heart,
For those who did not return home from Afghanistan,
To whom granite was laid on the grave ...

11. Lobutova Ksenia, a student of OTT CDT, continues the concert program with the song "Black Grass".

The war in Afghanistan was very cruel and bloody and, unfortunately, it touched many destinies of our countrymen. Like any war, it has its own terrible account - 134 Kuzbass workers did not return home. Behind these figures is the inconsolable grief of mothers, widows and children who grew up without fathers.

Let's turn the page history...
The blizzards of those distant days subsided.
Who was in Afghanistan - let him be proud.
Who was not - do not regret it.

12. On the stage, Daria Goncharova is a student at the bard song club "Flame" of the Central Children's Theater with the song "Afghanistan".

Military duty in Afghanistan
The son fulfilled, paying with his life.
Mother won't stop crying now
In the way of his last seeing off.
It became quiet in the deserted house
Only the alarm goes off in silence
With a clear look in the eyes of such acquaintances
The son looks from the portrait on the wall ...

13. "Airborne platoon". Performed by a student of school No. 25 Dmitry Ruin.

Young guys did not have time to do a lot in life: neither get married, nor raise children. They were just starting their lives and died for the idea they believed in, they defended their homeland.

Only yesterday the autumn wind knocked pain on the window,
And early this morning the postman brought a letter
In it he is alive and laughs and wants to live for so long
“Hello mom, hello eternity…”
We have no right to forget them.

14. With the song "White Dance" we invite Diana Shcherbakova, the soloist of the "Jam" studio of the Central Children's Theater, to the stage.

Your loads are not difficult for me: I grew up in the field, I am Russian forelock,
I love you in Russian, my birch Rus' ...

15. "Russian guy", this is the name of the song performed by the vocal group "Nadezhda". On stage, students of gymnasium No. 6.

You surprised the world with courage, the rumor does not stop ringing,
They shielded the country from the most terrible evil.
You are with us, heroes of the planet, we feel your shoulder.
In the overcoat formation you are sung with a punishing, prophetic sword.

16. With the song "Officers" we again invite Lobutova Xenia to this stage.

Songs about the war were born not only during the war period. People still dedicate their work to this topic. The new generation creates new songs.

And songs go to war.
And they love the song sacredly.
For all people, for the whole country
She keeps the soldier.

17. On the stage, a student of gymnasium No. 6 with the song "Clouds in the Blue". We meet. Yulia Vaganova.

Spring and victory. Days of song and light
Two sunny, marvelously crossed beams.
Two happiness. Two light, two bright bouquets,
Tied with a strong braid of calico.

17. "Waltz of Victory" will be performed for you by a duet of students of gymnasium No. 20.

Only those who have gone through the hard roads of the war can appreciate all its severity and pain. But all the people of our vast planet are against war. Everyone votes for peace on earth.

Peace is the best word in the world
Adults strive for peace and children,
Birds, trees, flowers on the planet.
Peace is the main word in the world!!!

18. The club of the bard song "Scarlet Sails" of the branch of the Central Children's Theater "Druzhba" continues the program with the song "Atlanta".

19. The city festival of the military-patriotic song "Star Rain" is coming to its logical conclusion. And today, through songwriting, we were able to feel and understand what our fathers and grandfathers experienced in difficult wartime, and our generation did not want to experience it in real life. life We vote for peace on earth!

And today we are happy to celebrate all the participants of our festival.

___________________________________ is invited to the stage for the award ceremony.

(Award ceremony).

We want our planet
The children were never sad.
So that no one cries, does not get sick,
If only our children's choir would ring.
So that forever all hearts are related,
Good for everyone to learn.
For the planet Earth to forget
What is enmity and war!!!
See you soon!


- Halt!
I stumble along the way. And someone (Borya, is that you?) takes my arm.
- Comrade Libedinsky! Wake up ... - A soft, affectionately mocking voice.
Halt. Dream. The commander's voice sounds again. We got up, we went again. In the evening we walked about thirty miles, someone counts. The deep forest night continues. In what drowsy darkness are we going?
And suddenly (the sleepy slumber immediately ended) there was no forest, as if there had never been. Only, looking back, behind we see his black shadow. Before us is huge - you can’t grasp it with your eyes! - a field, solid collective-farm, from edge to edge, a field on which, under the moon, high and small, bread quietly sways. We are on the track. It is higher than the boundless quiet fields under a huge and bright from the moon sky. Ahead and to the side above this vast plain, high pillars of searchlights rush about, wander, cross, scatter in different directions.
So here it is, the result of life, it is an immensely wide and quiet collective farm field, which is guarded by searchlights, sleepless sentries of Moscow.
We have left the black forests, we are going west - workers, collective farmers, teachers, engineers, writers. There are hundreds of thousands of us, we are the new, united, invincible Soviet people, the living Soviet Constitution itself, which is going to fight for itself!
We'll go all night again- so said the commander at the nearest halt. And his words did not meet with any grumbling or objections. We will go as long as they say. We have entered an immensely wide field of battle, and by the very movement to the west of our hundreds of thousands of columns we are already participating in this battle.
The night is running out. The ruddy colors of the morning are mixed with the moonlight. There is no end in sight to the loaves. We have traveled more than fifty miles. But this is the least of what we can do for you, Motherland. Behind were the curly forests of the Moscow region, inhabited by memories and dreams.
Searchlights do not sleep - we do not sleep. And we are hundreds of thousands, millions.
So we're going west. It happens that, having arrived at night in a hushed village, we, having walked along it, right there, beyond its suburbs, begin to dig trenches. Behind the gray, dry earth, black, wet, then greasy red clay or wet sand, and then large, run-in pebbles - the bed of an old Russian river. You go deeper underground: waist-deep, shoulder-deep, and finally with your head. It's getting harder and harder to throw the earth out with a shovel. The trench is ready, we are starting to tear off the firing cells - the future firing positions. We work as we march, fifty minutes of work, ten minutes of rest; you get out of a damp trench, inhale the smell of dry grass - and you will definitely dissolve in this smell. There comes a beautiful and complete oblivion until the new commanding hail of the commander. With silent speed the night passes us by, and now, on the edge of her blue clothes, the fiery edge of the sunrise has already been outlined. In the gray dawn, the faces of comrades show through, sharpened features, inflamed lips. The most difficult morning hours come - not only the hands ache, not only the shoulders and lower back, the bones ache, the insides are pulled, but no one complains and does not leave work: after all, we dig for ourselves, maybe tomorrow we will have to fight here. Clay creaks under a shovel, sand squeals, rubble rumbles, palms burn, bend and straighten up, lift a heavy shovel above your head and throw out the earth - like this, again and again. Long and cheerful rays of the sun ran from the east, a plane with red stars flies low over the village and greets us, shakes its wings - this command goes around the front of the work. From the plane you can see how the black links of the trenches stretched from north to south on the faded fields. The work is finished, now you need to disguise, throw black and red earth with hay or branches.
Sometimes, when the trenches are torn off, we stay in them for several days, military training is deployed again, becoming more and more complicated every day. We are preparing for anti-tank defense - all of Russia is now preparing for this. Learning to throw anti-tank grenades and bottles, still empty. And sometimes it happens that without even tearing off the line of fortifications to the end and without resting, we again go to the west. 1 Having reached the empty trenches that were not dug by someone, we finish them. We know that ours will be dug up by those who walk behind us.

Scenario of the military-patriotic holiday game "One day from army life" for students

The purpose of this event:

Organization of children's leisure

celebration Defender of the Fatherland Day

(military-sports game takes place in the form of a journey through the stations)

Event objectives:

Education of patriotism, love for Motherland, respect for the Russian army;

Development of thinking, imagination, dexterity;

Establishing friendly relations between children and adults, involving employees of the orphanage in organizing the leisure of pupils.

Equipment and tools: computer, speakers, RF flag, poster and drawings on military theme, signs with the name of stations, route sheets, decals of two teams (green and blue khaki scarves, bandages, scissors, pins, task cards, self-adhesive stars.

Venue and time: KGBOU Orphanage 34, 02/22/2012

Participant teams: students in grades 7-8

Supervisor: Boroday A. V.

Event progress

Day Defender of the Fatherland is holiday not only professional military but all men. Therefore, in this day It is customary to congratulate both those who have served in the army, and those who are in the service at the moment, and those who will do so in the future.

A good gift for boys would be a sports holiday. What is the best way to organize it for children so that they not only compete, but also learn a lot of interesting things about military service? How to get girls involved?

Rules games and participants

Participate in competitions students 5-8th grades, 6 people per team. Girls act as cheerleaders and assistants at certain stages.

Competition program

Program holiday includes:

Grand opening military-patriotic game “One day from army life”;

Passage of task stations by participants games;

Summarizing games, awarding winners and prize-winners;

Organization games

Start games

Fanfares are heard, the command sounds “Parade equal! Smirno". Teams are built in their pre-designated places. Unit commanders submit a report to the judge in front of the participants.

Commander's report: Comrade chief judge, team (team name, our motto (they say the motto, on military- a patriotic game dedicated to holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day, built. Team leader (FULL NAME.).

Greetings from the Commander-in-Chief:

February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Our game is dedicated to this significant day. Now, as in the old days, our army is proud of its victories. She has a glorious past and, we hope, a worthy future. And the future of our army is you, our today's boys and girls. The power of our army depends on how you grow up. I congratulate you and all those present in this hall on the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Alignment to the flag (Russian anthem sounds)

Military-patriotic game One day in the army” is declared open.

Presenter Borodai A. V. introduces the program holiday.

Teams equal, calmly. And so we begin. Today it is not just a sports hall, but your place of combat battles. It will consist of three rounds.

1. Tour. "Landing to the battlefield", where you will need to go through an obstacle course, get and collect a map for further passage games.

2. Tour « Military training» - in accordance with the map, passing the stations where you will show your military training.

3. Tour "Combat Battle", where the final test awaits you, at which you will show your combat power and accuracy.

After that, the first part begins. holiday, 1 round - "Landing to the battlefield"

Teams need to run along the bench, go through the tunnel in which to find one of the map elements, leaving the tunnel, perform a somersault on the mat, return to the team and put the finished card element on the chair. The following participants repeat these steps. After collecting all the elements of the map, the team proceeds to collect it (mosaic).Having completed the collection, the captain raises his hand.

(after that, the team fastens all the elements of the map with adhesive tape).

After collecting the card, the teams go to the second round - « Military training» .

Station 1 - "Soldiers get up!"

Inventory: athletic short uniform (T-shirt shorts).

For the players prepared sets of sportswear - t-shirt, shorts. Their task on command "Climb" put on a uniform over your clothes in 15 seconds. Only fully dressed and in a neat appearance is considered to have completed the task. For a neat appearance and good posture, students are additionally awarded 1 star.

Station 2 - "Brain attack"

Inventory: sheets of paper and pencils.

Exercise: for a certain time, name the military ranks and types of troops. The number and correctness of names are evaluated. The time for completing tasks is 3-4 minutes. The team with the most complete answer gets 2 stars.

For reference:

Types of Armed Forces:

Air Force(Air Force)- assault fighter, army-sky, strategic aviation;

Navy(Navy)- surface, underwater;

Ground forces - tank, artillery, engineering, special forces.

Types of troops:

1. Space Forces.

2. Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN).

3. Airborne troops (VDV)

Military ranks:

private, corporal, junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant, foreman, junior warrant officer, warrant officer, senior warrant officer, junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army General.

Supreme Commander - President of Russia.

Station 3 - "Medical unit"

Inventory: bandages and cotton.

chief judge at the station: nurse.

Exercise: for a certain time, the team must apply a cotton-gauze bandage to the arm, leg, head. The correctness and accuracy of the task is assessed - from 2 to 4 stars.

Station 4- "On a halt"

chief judge at the station:


About whom they say that he is only wrong once? (Sapper)

Which troops retired? (Cavalry)

What is the name of the shoulder marks military? (epaulettes)

4. What does the word ram mean? (Direct strike of an aircraft, tank, ship.)

5. What types of edged weapons do you know? (Mace, sword, sword, knife, bayonet, saber.)

6. What year is considered a year birth of the red army? (1918th).

7. What medicinal plant is used for bruises and abrasions?


8. What forest plants or parts of them are used to make tea?

(Leaves of strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries.)

9. What is the name of a teenager - the youngest sailor on a ship? (Cabin boy)

10. What do wood and a rifle have in common? (trunk.)

Station 5. "Checkpoint"

chief judge at the station:

The children are invited to work as signalmen, who decrypt various ciphergrams containing intelligence reports with the help of a key.

Each team is given a card with an encryption and a key. In the allotted time, who will decipher faster and more correctly.

Card 1.

25, 19, 1, 2, 3, 12, 6, 18, 20,

18, 12, 6, 3, 1, 15, 19, 4, 15, 17,

15,.22, 17, 1, 14, 31, 30, 19, 5, 3, 6,

16, 20, 25, 11, 9, 15, 5, 9, 14, 19, 1, 14, 11.

(ciphertext cards: headquarters in the forest, to the left of the mountains, guarded by two cannons, one tank).

Card 2.

15, 22, 17, 1, 14, 1, 13, 15, 18, 19, 1

5, 3, 1, 19, 1, 14, 11, 1, 8, 1, 17, 6, 11, 15, 10,

18, 12, 6, 3, 1, 3, 15, 3, 17, 1, 4, 6, 15, 5, 9, 14,

(ciphertext cards: guarding the bridge - two tanks behind the river on the left, in the ravine one tank).

Cipher key card:

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31.

Third round "Landing in battle"

Inventory: Balloons (16 pcs., Skate (2 pcs.), Darts (2 pcs., mats (2 pcs.).

Exercise: At the signal, the first participant lies down on the skateboard with his stomach and the movements of the swimmer "sails" to the gymnastic mat, leaves a skateboard there, where the judge is waiting for him. The participant rolls on the mat, receives two darts and shoots a balloon hanging on the wall, the player has two attempts, then rolls forward or backward on the mat, lie down on the skate and returns to the team leading the baton to the next participant, who continues the game. At the end of the competition, the results are summed up. The first team to reach the finish line receives 2 stars, for every two balls knocked down an additional star.

After the final stage, the teams are built. Chief referee of the team blowing:

Take it easy, calm down! I ask the captains to hand over the maps for passing the stages.

The cards with the stars are dealt to the jury, which sums up while the chief judge says the final word.

So our today's game has come to the final stage. Today in this hall you have shown and demonstrated your fighting power and courage. You all, as a single detachment, as one close-knit team, have passed all the tests of our games. Summing up games, sweet prizes and military games are awarded to winners and participants games.

Teams equal, calmly. game « One day in the army» I declare closed. Congratulations to all the participants and those present in this hall on Defender of the Fatherland Day (applause).

Organized care with holiday.

In our country, a holiday is celebrated twice a year, which is directly related to the army and the military theme. This is February 23 and May 9. We offer you two interesting and funny scenes on a military theme. These scenes will help you spend any of these holidays brightly and cheerfully. With the help of scenes, you will add variety to the holiday and help guests smile and enjoy life.

But before we move on to the skits, watch a master class on making a gift for veterans with your own hands. After the scenes, give crafts to veterans and they will be very happy about it!

Scene 1.
New recruits have just arrived in the army. They lined up on the parade ground, a lieutenant approaches them.

Attention! I am Comrade Lieutenant Vykrutaykin, and you are soldiers! All clear? Then let's get straight to the point. So, are there any electricians among you by profession?

Two of the line step forward and say:
Yes sir! Eat!

Great! So, your task is to monitor the light: so that at 23:00 the light turns off in the barracks, and turns on at 6 in the morning! Clear?! Get in line!
So, further - are there musicians?

Four of the line step forward:
Yes sir!

Oh how! Four at once! Do you play keyboards? Then march with a step to the head of the unit, he bought a piano for his daughter, he needs to bring this piano to the eighth floor!
What do we have next on the list? But, most importantly - who wants to get a sergeant?

One takes the fastest step forward:
I want, Comrade Lieutenant!

Here you are, well done! This is the start of a career! So, run to the checkpoint, there is a drunken sergeant sitting there. Get him and slowly take him to the barracks. It's clear?
And the last question for today - who wants to go for potatoes tomorrow morning?

Two step forward
We want!

You two, tomorrow I'm waiting for you near my car at 7 am, let's go for potatoes. And the rest of the potatoes go on foot!
Attention! At ease! Disperse!

Scene 2
The soldiers are standing, talking among themselves. Suddenly they see an officer coming. Lieutenant in command:
Line up!

All soldiers line up. The officer comes up and says:
Comrade soldiers! Autumn has arrived, which means it's time to change your disguise. First, untie the green leaves from the trees, and then tie the yellow leaves to the trees! All clear? Execute command!

The officer leaves, the lieutenant comes out and addresses the soldiers:
So, leave the order! Yesterday, an officer and I were testing a new rocket, she shied away so much that something happened to the officer’s head. You can see for yourself: untie, bind. So, so - we will not untie and tie, we go to the warehouse, get brushes and yellow paint, and repaint the leaves! All clear? Fulfill! And I'm in the first-aid post, after yesterday's tests, my head hurts!

At any school evening dedicated to the Defenders of the Fatherland Day, in addition to traditional congratulations and gifts, as a surprise from girls or friends, as well as in order to make an interesting eyeliner for a competitive program or an entertainment number, musical or theatrical scenes will always come in handy.

Z collected here sketches for February 23 for schoolchildren different ages that will fit well into the program of this holiday

1. Scene for February 23 for schoolchildren "Three girls under the window"

(three girls in Russian-folk costumes are sitting)

Leading: Three maidens by the window[

Dreaming in the evening..

. 1st girl: Hurry to get married

Tired of the girls right already!

2nd Maiden: Just for anyone

I wouldn't go out!

3rd Maiden: I'd go for a businessman

Like a stone wall!

Mom would love a son-in-law

But where can you get this?

1st Maiden: Well, I'm sure

I'd marry a sailor!

And while he was swimming in the sea,

I would live without knowing grief!

2nd Maiden: There are no sailors now

It's just a rarity!

That would be to marry the military -

Strong, extraordinary!

I would be happy

With a guy strong as a rock.

3rd Maiden: We were dreaming girls...

Crushed all the guys

They would lie on the couch

Yes, enjoy football!

Leading: Oh, this youth

All of you are unbearable to get married!

May I get into the conversation?

I know where the guys are!

Not one, not two, not three...

Maidens (in chorus): Where is it?! Speak!!!

Leading (points to the young men sitting in the hall):

Look here:

Here guys anywhere!

Not warriors - so what?

Each stately and good!

One per sister...

1st Maiden (points to one of the guys): Chur, I'll take it!

2nd Maiden (points to another) I liked this one!

3rd Maiden (on the third): This one made me smile!

Maidens(together): All the guys are good,

Just a feast for the soul!

Leading: Girls, you are almost right - today is a holiday, and this is a holiday of our wonderful men! Strong, brave, stubborn and self-confident. Therefore, let's congratulate them with all our hearts, and the way to the heart of men lies - you know - through the stomachs! (Girls invite everyone to a tea party or a banquet)

2. Scene for younger students "Bogatyrs".

(perhaps this scene will become the basis, like "Thirty-three heroes", written for kindergarten graduates)

Leading: Do you know, of course, who defended our Rus' in ancient times, who are the heroes of Russian epics?

(Children answer).

The song "Our Heroic Strength" sounds, music. A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by N. Dobronravov.

Enter Ilya Muromets with spear and sword. Walks around the hall, stands in the center.

Ilya Muromets:

I am from the city, from Murom.

From the village of that Karacharov.

And my name is Ilya Muromets

(gives bow).

I stood for Rus' for many years and winters,

Sparing no effort and time.

So that Rus' never, for all time,

There was no one to fight, to ruin.

And who remembers the names of my friends who fought with me for Mother Rus'?

(Children answer: Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich!)

Ilya Muromets:

That's right, here they are!

Alyosha Polovin and Dobrynya Nikitich enter to the music.

Alesha Popovich:

I am Alyosha Popovich by name, from Rostov the Great City. And my friend - Dobrynya Nikitich!


Prince Vladimir of Stolno-Kiev once gathered the heroes for a feast and gave instructions.

Ilya Muromets:

I - in the field with enemies to fight.

Alesha Popovich:

I have to collect tribute to the prince.


And he sent me a tribute overseas to conquer.

Ilya Muromets:

To fulfill all the orders, we must be strong, dexterous and courageous.

Well, brothers? Shall we show our heroic strength?


But don’t you look, heroes, at our good fellows and beauties!

Ilya Muromets:

With pleasure.

(Children play games and contests together with the heroes).

Ilya Muromets:

So, are there good fellows among you, ready to show their boldness? Come out together, brave! (calling 5-10 people each to their team).

The bogatyrs hold the "Remote fellows" competition, which consists of 3 tasks:

1. The task of the participants is, without exchanging a single word or sound, to stand in a line, according to the descending size of the shoes.
2. Participants are blindfolded. Without seeing, they should line up in order of height.
3. Each team depicts a functioning mechanism (for example, a car, a vacuum cleaner, a computer), and all team members must be involved.

The winners of the Bogatyrs are awarded with sweet prizes and diplomas of "Remote fellows".

3. Scene for February 23 for high school students "Bogatyr and Serpent Gorynych".

(Show the scene in costumes and in a good mood).

(Ilya Muromets is thinking, the Serpent Gorynych comes up to him with three heads ...)

Dragon: Ilya Muromets, do you know that we have boys, today is a holiday - February 23?
Ilya Muromets: It's you Gorynych kid, and I'm a man - defender of the motherland.
Dragon: Ilya, can I also stand here .. with you, protect ...?
Ilya Muromets: Wait until..
Dragon: Something is quiet ... it can call the enemies, but the two of us beat them like that ...
Ilya Muromets: Enemies are those who themselves come and do evil, and the rest are opponents ...
Dragon: Ilya, and you know, I became a vegetarian ... now I only eat cabbage ..
Ilya Muromets: And what?
Dragon: nutritious ... Ilya, maybe let's go to the village, the girls are walking there ...
Ilya Muromets: I'm married...
Dragon: And what do you want to give you on February 23?
Ilya Muromets: Binoculars to look at the country, see the adversary from afar ..
Dragon: I want binoculars too...
Dragon: Look, someone is running - the enemy is probably ...
Ilya Muromets: No, these are eleventh-graders running to school to congratulate their boys ...
Dragon: And something is running somehow in a jump ...
Ilya Muromets: It's so cold...
Dragon: Look at the enemies!!! and war paint...
Ilya Muromets: Yes, these are girls from the 10th grade, they run to school, they are also smartly dressed ...
Dragon: Ilya, what are they doing there at school?
Ilya Muromets: Concert...
Dragon: Yes, I'll go and have a look too...
Ilya Muromets: You look there...
Dragon: Of course of course...
Ilya Muromets: Oh, SMC, they write, they invited me to the holiday, how can I not respect .. I'll go ...


4. scene

There are three girls on the stage.

Girl 1: So what are we going to give? (everyone thinks)

Girl 2: No, why should we give them something every year?!

Girl 3: Do they give us?

Girl 2: Mimosa and Alpen Gold are not a gift, but a mockery. Moreover, in our country it is “International Women's Day”, i.e. for all women. And they have "Defender of the Fatherland Day". And which of them served?

Girl 1: Yes, guys are generally lucky in life. You can walk in clothes and shoes until they break, and not until a new collection appears.

Girl 3: Manicure can be done for free and with teeth.

Girl 2: The belly is not a reason for depression, but a sign of masculinity!

Girl 1: To calm the nerves, you do not need to make an appointment with a psychotherapist, you just need to sort out the carburetor.

Girl 3: If you came to work in a different outfit than yesterday, everyone understands that today is your birthday.

Girl 2: You don’t know how much bread, cheese and sausage cost, but at the same time you have all this at home.

Girl 1: You can open a can with a knife. Then take the crumb, dip in oil - that's it, dinner is ready!

Girl 3: Girls, okay. that we attacked them. By the way, being a man is not only “pluses”, but also hard work.

Girl 2: For example?

Girl 3: For example, when buying sneakers, you need to choose such a style so that later you can go to the theater and to your birthday (everyone nods in understanding).

Girl 1: What will we do with the gift? As usual: shaving foam and lotion?

Girl 2: No, if a man has a lot of accessories in his cosmetic bag, then something is wrong with him, but if there is only one toothbrush, you are a brutal kid. Let's give them toothbrushes.

Girl 3: And most importantly, our love (draw hearts in the air).

5. Musical scene for February 23 "How my mother saw me off"






Laptop and here is a bottle of kvass (bottle with pacifier)

Mother: Don't forget to take your first aid kit with you.

Come back soon as a hero.

Father: Honestly, you serve everything there, learn

So that your family can be proud of you.

(song "Slavyanka". Grandmother baptizes, mother cries, father hugs, sister kisses. Leaves through the hall)

6. Comic scene for February 23 at school "I need a man!"

(Baba Yaga comes to find a man - a protector)

Leading: Oh, and whose grandmother are you? Did you visit your grandson for the holiday?

Baba Yaga: No, I'm nobody's grandmother, I'm Baba Yaga, I came to pick up a man for myself, they say men, so I'll pick myself up

Leading: Why do you need a young man? What kind of grandfather would you choose?

Baba Yaga: I need a defender to save me from the Serpent Gorynych, I gave Koshchei from the gate

Leading: And who will marry you willingly?

Baba Yaga: Yes, why should I have a husband, I'm not looking for a husband, but a protector to guard me, I'll tie him up and be under supervision. And then the Serpent Gorynych has already overcome, walks every day and says, Chob poured his potion for him, otherwise he will confuse my legs in the hut ..

Leading: Baba Yaga, yes, our guys are young, but strong, they will not sit on a leash, they will break free even worse than it will be with the Serpent Gorynych

Baba Yaga: What am I to do, poor thing?

Leading: Look for yourself a protector in overseas countries, maybe there, who is meek and gets caught

Baba Yaga: But I don’t know languages, I lived all my conscious life in the forest

Leading: Here is a phrase book for you in several languages ​​( donate a book) and about the Snake, we advise you to contact the police ..


Calling Commission. There is a long line in the corridor of the military registration and enlistment office, consisting of future defenders of the Fatherland. The queue moves slowly, somewhere in the tail between the two conscripts Vasily and Eduard a conversation arises. Vasily is a simple Russian guy from the outback, and Eduard is a representative of advanced youth, the son of wealthy parents.

Edward (referring to Vasily): Well, bro, do you think they will take you into the army?

Basil: The doctor said: "Healthy as a bull!"

Edward: Have you tried "mowing"?

Basil: Yes, every summer I mow, I'm already tired, so I decided: it's better to go to the army for two years, to relax.

Edward: Right! I think so too! What is your name?

Basil: Vasya.

Edward: And I'm Edward. Listen, Vasya, where do you work?

Basil: Yes, I play music in the club.

Edward: Cool! I also work as a DJ in a nightclub. And who are your ancestors? I mean, what do parents do?

Basil: Father is a brigadier.

Edward: Brigadier? My father also has his own team. Listen, and who does he go under?

Basil: under the chairman.

Edward: Something I have not heard of such an authority. Listen, I still have a brother.

Basil: And I have, he grazes cows and heifers.

Edward: What are you! My brother also grazes heifers on Tverskaya. How are you on the personal front? Dude, in the sense, is there a mare?

Basil: Eat! Only she can hardly walk lately.

Edward; Why?

Basil: Yes, I drove her! And recently he also beat him with a whip.

Edward: Well, you're a maniac! And why didn’t your relatives smear you? Probably problems with grandmothers.

Basil: Not really. I never had any problems with grandmothers, they love me.

Edward: It's good when there is cabbage, by the way, where do you store it?

Basil: In the bank.

Edward: That's right, it's more reliable, now there are so many goats divorced who are greedy for someone else's greenery.

Basil: Yes Yes! We had one such goat!

Edward: Why was?

Basil: Yes, my father and I killed him.

Edward: How did they score?

Basil: Yes, they killed it for meat.

Edward(scared): For meat? Well, family!

Basil: Look, this line never seems to end. And I'm already hungry, maybe we'll go somewhere?

Edward(in hysterics): No! No need! Just not me! Save!

Edward runs away. Vasily, perplexed, remains alone at the tail of the line.

Basil: And how do they take such psychos into the army?

8. Scene - a monologue for February 23 for schoolchildren - "Insidious dating site"

(a high school student enters the stage, sits down at a laptop and at the same time talking on the phone with a friend)

Offstage voice: It's no secret that schoolchildren are now the owners and creators of many sites, who have this hobby, who have their first attempts to do business ... A scene about one grief, the administrator of a dating site.

Healthy, well, I made a site ... dating, no one just goes ...
- What am I doing? Every day I go, I look - no one is registered ...
- Why add it yourself? And then people will immediately come to the site? Will they meet? Business you say...
- Well, okay, let's try ... Here I am writing, strong, muscular, handsome ...
- And a photo, what to add?
- Any?
- I added a photo of Tarzan
- Let be?
- And also... added... a girl... look at the link (pretends to send)
Yes, I don't know who it is...
- What about Peskov in a concert costume?
- Okay, I'll add...
- Wow, look! Someone went to the site, writes something ...
- Wow, wants to meet... with me.. (is reading) I'm Paris Hilton - added a photo...
- Now I’ll write that I also liked him ... and let him tell about himself ...
- That writes?
- He writes why there are so many mistakes in every word that I had in Russian ...
- I answered him that Russian is bad ...
- Noticeably - he writes, there are several errors in each word ...
- I wrote to him that this is how to get acquainted with American women ...
- Oh, look, someone else is writing ..
- The girl writes.
- That writes? He writes that I'm some kind of stunted ... but a muscular handsome man wrote ... but it's not my fault, maybe Tarzan is in the photo as a child?
- I read one more message and that's it ...
- There is a military man in the photo .... with whom he wants to meet there ...
- What is it, he writes, waiting for me at the military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination, in the spring in the army.
- No, I’m satisfied, I just didn’t expect that via the Internet ... they would send me ... a summons ...

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