The script for the Gzhel holiday in elementary school. Scenario of the holiday "Russian fair". Marya liked the blue rose very much and she said

Tatyana Bandolya
Scenario of the event "Folk crafts through the eyes of children" (Gzhel and Khokhloma)

Purpose of the lesson:

1. Teach children demonstrate the product of their activity (goods for the fair, through conversation;

2. Develop the ability to select epithets-adjectives, describing products ( khokhloma rose, curls, petals, mesh, strokes, spiral);

3. Continue to improve technical skills Khokhloma and Gzhel painting;

4. Exercise children in the name of the distinctive features of each of the paintings;

5. Cultivate respect for work craftsmen, through acquaintance with various types of applied art;

6. Give children the joy of interacting with each other and the guests of the fair.

preliminary work:

1. Painting silhouettes of dishes made of tinted paper;

2. Making an album « Folk crafts of Russia» ;

3. Exhibition of drawings by Khokhloma and Gzhel;

4. Consideration of patterns and their elements;

5. Learning poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, ditties about Russian folk craft;

6. Learning words in a round dance "Let's go to the garden for raspberries";

7. Considering costumes in style Khokhloma and Gzhel;

8. Reading books about craftsmen;

9. Viewing slides about crafts;

10. Didactic game "Assemble dishes from parts", "Find the right feather for the Firebird";


1. Exhibition of children's works on folk- applied art;

2. Toys and dishes Khokhloma and Gzhel;

4. Firebird silhouettes;

5. Suits: flies-sokotuhi, Khokhloma sleeveless jackets and Gzhel sundresses;

6. Carousel;

7. Samovar;

8. Treat - pancakes, jam.

Course progress.

Fairground music sounds, noise, rumble, laughter. Runs in boy:

Hey, honest people, Hello! (bows)

I invite everyone to the holiday - the fair

I wish you fun and good mood

In the city of masters, our holiday opens,

Because the best masters gather here!

If you take a closer look, you will see for yourself!

(Music is playing) Children enter.

caregiver: Come on, children, come in,

Look at the decoration!

We have a big fair

Yes, what a beautiful!

Come on, take a look

Yes, tell us about everything ...

(pass, stop, look around.)

The music sounds, the Clutter Fly runs in.

caregiver: Fly, fly, Tsokotuha,

Gilded belly

The fly has gone

The fly found the money

The fly went to the market

Buy your own product

Today the fly - clatter - birthday girl!

Fly: I have a name day today. These miracles flew to me for the holiday - birds of unprecedented beauty, only they, only they (crying) lost all their tails. Dear children, help, find tails for them.

caregiver: Do not cry a fly, our children will help you in an instant (children pick up tails for birds, attach them on an easel)

Painted birds

Wings flapped

Wings flapped

Scattered gold

Yes, from the Russian land,

The herbs were collected

The bowls were decorated.

Craftsmanship with love

We were passed on.

Fly: Thanks guys. And also, guys, I need beautiful dishes to meet the guests, but I don’t know where to get them?

caregiver: Fly, come on, our guys will paint the dishes for you with a beautiful painting.

Fly: Will the guys do it?

(the teacher invites children to work tables.) Children draw one element in the center of the picture. close eyes and imagine a pattern - a rose that you would like to draw. Stretch your palms, fingers. And magic will help us words:

"Brushes, brushes, help

Start painting painting"

Independent work children.

After work, the children put their work on stands.

Fly: What I see! It's a miracle!

How much joy around.

All the dishes are so beautiful

It's breathtaking!

caregiver: Well, Fly, choose!

"Masters and Craftswomen

Good fellows, girls,

Show your skill

Praise your product!

The fly approaches the table with gzhel:

"Blue and white dishes,

Tell me, where are you from?

It can be seen from afar came

And blossomed with flowers

Blue - blue

Delicate, beautiful.

Child: In the quiet suburbs

river Gzhelochka runs

Along this river

The village stands

willow bushes,

Running along the river

Craftsmen live in this village

They make painted dishes

They create a blue on a white miracle!

Fly: I want to buy this dish, but first tell us how you painted this teapot? (Child describes his work.)

“Look at my teapot, in the middle I drew a large rose, and in the middle of the rose with a mesh, blue - blue, with swirls and leaves, also blue. Border top and bottom. The painting uses only two colors: white and blue. I like to draw Gzhel painting. Gzhelskaya the dishes are very fragile, delicate and beautiful.”

Fly: Your dishes are beautiful, but what are they made of?

(answers children) It would be very interesting to see how they do Gzhel. View slide about gzhel.

caregiver: It's hard to believe, isn't it?

Just two colors? Miracles!

That's how the artists Gzhel

Heaven is applied to the snow.

Hey, girls - laughter,

Sing ditties,

Sing it fast

To make it more fun!

Child: Put your ears on top of your head

We are about Gzhel sing ditties.

1. I walked around the field

I found three flowers

White, blue, blue -

I admire beauty.

2. Soaps Gzhel dishes

Splashes scattered everywhere

Splash wipe - it does not matter,

Oh, the dishes are good!

3. I found paint at home,

blue let her eyes down,

Cheeks blushed...

Mom, don't scold me.

4. I put on a white skirt

Weaved a blue ribbon

This is how I became

Admire me.

5. Blue clouds

blue water

I will become an artist

Just to learn!

6. I look out the window,

On birch and spruce

I invite Matthew

I'm on a tour Gzhel!

Fly: At the next table I see the painting is also wonderful, I’ll go take a look, and then I’ll buy it.

caregiver: Good fellow say

What is your product famous for?

How is it different from others?

Where are the dishes from?

Child: Painting Khokhloma,

Like a witch

Into a fairy tale song

She asks herself

And nowhere in the world

There are no such inflorescences

All miracles are more wonderful

Our Khokhloma!

caregiver: Guys, have you seen the movie? "How do they do Gzhel» . And now I'll tell you where I came from Khokhloma. Art Khokhloma is the pride of our culture. golden patterns Khokhloma absorbed all the beauty of the Russian land. Khokhloma painting pleases us with bright colors and the radiance of gold. With its beauty Khokhloma products, can argue even with expensive dishes made of gold and silver, although they are made from a very affordable material - linden wood. Many years ago there was Khokhloma craft. Wooden utensils were painted with golden paint, covered with linseed oil, heated in an oven, and the oil film turned into golden lacquer. These dishes were taken to a large village called Khokhloma for sale, by the name of this village they began to call dishes Khokhloma. Well, how beautiful and bright this one is Khokhloma.

Fly: Oh, I’m a picky eater, you can’t force me to buy goods with one beautiful word. Can you tell me how your product differs from others?

The child describes his work: “My vase is painted under Khokhloma. On a black background, I drew a beautiful berry - a raspberry. I tried to decorate my vase with yellow leaves, curls, to make it bright, with a yellow border at the top. If you look closely, it seems that gold glitters on a black background.

Fly: You say you drew a raspberry. Nice raspberry, I love it too.

caregiver: And you, fly, join us in a round dance, we will sing to you about a delicious berry - a raspberry.

Round dance. "Let's go to the garden by raspberries"

Fly: Your good product.

Child: Our dishes,

For cabbage soup and porridge

Doesn't break, doesn't break

And it doesn't get damaged.

Choose dishes

Yes, happy to buy!

Fly: What I see? The spoon is chiseled, the handle is gilded. Such a beauty!

Child: Painted spoon,

Lacquer leg

red berry peephole,

Golden curl.

Now it's time to dance

Yes, play on spoons.

Spoon game.

Fly: You know everything, but you know how. What good fellows.

caregiver: Time is running faster and faster,

The game is calling us to visit!

I invite everyone to play.

And how we will play, I will explain to you now.

When the music starts to play

We need to wrap a ribbon on a spoon,

And when the music stops playing

So enough for you to wind the ribbon.

Is this task understandable?

Then we start the competition.

(Playing with spoons and ribbons).

caregiver: You won't be full of games and dancing. Russian is famous hospitality people, generosity, cordiality. “Peace be to you, long-awaited guests, who came to us at a good hour”. Fly, and I also have a surprise for you (music sounds, a child comes out with a samovar, dances, children with refreshments).

Fly: Tea is hot on the table,

Pancakes and jam

I invite you to taste

Goals: to acquaint students with the history of the development of folk crafts; generalize knowledge about folk craftsmen; consider the types of nesting dolls: Zagorsk, Semenov and Polkhov; develop imagination, creativity; to cultivate a cognitive interest in folk art, a sense of pride in the masters of our country.

Equipment: exhibition of works by students and their parents (Khokhloma painting, Gorodets painting, Dymkovo toys, Gzhel); recordings of Russian folk melodies and songs "Kalinka", "Russian matryoshka", "Funny nesting dolls", "Let's go to the garden through raspberries", collection of illustrated material: various nesting dolls, photographs, reproductions, drawings, prizes and certificates. Parents of students are actively involved in the preparation of the holiday (making costumes, selecting illustrated material, musical accompaniment, decorating the class).

Holiday decor:

On the blackboard: a matryoshka doll is drawn on a piece of drawing paper and the text “Where there is work, there is happiness” is written. An exhibition of drawings and handicrafts of students was launched. On the table - matryoshka souvenirs, books about folk crafts, reproductions, drawings.

Children are dressed in Russian folk costumes: girls in sundresses or skirts with a blouse, headscarves and aprons; on the boys - trousers, white shirts with sewn braid.

The costumes of the three nesting dolls correspond to the peculiarities of the painting of those folk crafts that they represent.

The course of the holiday

I. Organizational moment.

It sounds like a folk song. The class includes parents and children. Two students dressed in Russian folk costumes enter.

II. Stories about folk crafts.

1st guest. We came to you from the old Russian settlement Dymkovo, which is located near the city of Khlynovo (as the city of Vyatka used to be called) and brought you a Dymkovo toy as a gift.

2nd guest.

Why is Dymkovo famous?

With your toy!

There is no smoky color in it,

Dampness raw,

There is something of a rainbow in her,

From dew drops.

There is something of joy in her,

Thundering like bass!

She does not look gingerbread -

Exuberant and festive.

In her youth is a highlight,

It has prowess and scope.

Shine, ocher with red lead,

All over the earth in houses!

And anger and gloom like an ice floe

Without any trace

Let under the smile of Dymkov

Grow forever!

V. Fofanov

1st guest. The Dymovskaya toy is called so because it was born in the Dymkovo settlement. The toy was the brightest decoration of the fair, where a festive festivity with a mischievous and cheerful name - a whistle took place.

Why whistle? Hear what the legend has to say about it.

One day, enemies approached the city. The city was threatened with imminent destruction. Then the Vyatichi invented a trick. All residents of the city, even small children, each received a clay whistle. Creeping up to the enemy camp, they raised a desperate whistle. So, probably, the fabulous Nightingale the Robber whistled, from the whistle of which poppies flew off on towers, trees staggered and horses fell dead. The nomads decided that they were surrounded by squads that came to the rescue, and fled in fear.

Since then, the townspeople have been celebrating their holiday with a whistle. And no holiday is complete without bright toys.

Each of the guests loudly reads a joke, a riddle, a reader associated with a toy that he holds in his hand.

Lamb - whistle,

Left horn - curl,

Right horn - curl,

There is a flower on the chest.

L. Dyakonov


Berezhko goes,


Swimming leads.

T. Mavrina

Sides are cool

golden horns,

frilled hooves,

On the back of Yegor.

L. Dyakova


You look like a chest

Chest - not simple -

Red, white, gold!

L. Dyakova

The folk song "Kalina" sounds. Guests from Dymkovo invite children to dance.

Teacher. Thank you dear guests. You made us happy with your gifts. Guys, guess riddles and find out who else came to us.

Growth different girlfriends

They don't look like each other

They all sit next to each other

And just one toy.

Like two rainbows - eyebrows,

Lips - poppies, crimson outfit,

And blush, fresh carrots,

Glossy cheeks are on fire.

Sisters are hiding in this young woman,

Each sister is for a small dungeon.


- Right. This is our matryoshka. Russian matryoshka is over 100 years old.

Students perform the song "Russian Matryoshka" (words by Yu. Zhulkov, music by V. Kazelin).

Who made the matryoshka, I don't know.

But I know that hundreds of years

Together with Vanka-vstanka, as if alive,

The doll conquers white light.

Where did he take the paints, a skilled craftsman,

In noisy fields, in a fabulous forest?

Created an image of irrepressible passion,

True Russian beauty.

On the cheeks brought a blush of dawn,

The blue of the sky splashed into her eyes

And, letting in a unique dance,

He must have said cheerfully:

"Well, oh, now walk around the world,

Have fun, honest people."

And matryoshka across the planet

It's still going strong.

Speaks proudly, majestically,

With a wicked smile on your face,

And flies after her through the world of words

About the unknown master-creator!

Three girls enter the class, they carry nesting dolls in their hands.

How beautiful are you, nesting dolls! And where did you come to us from? Who gave you these outfits?

1st guest(holds a Zagorsk nesting doll in her hands). I came to you from Zagorsk. Now it is the city of Sergiev Posad. It is located near Moscow. We, nesting dolls, appeared in Russia at the end of the 19th century. Many remarkable Russian artists gathered in the old Abramtsevo estate near Moscow. Somehow they got a Japanese wooden toy - kokeshi. It was a figurine of a Japanese man, and in it - a little less - figurines of all members of his family. It was then that the artists decided to ask the famous toy craftsman Vasily Zvezdochkin to carve a toy similar to this one, but only his own, Russian nesting doll. Then the matryoshka was painted by the artist Sergey Malyutin. This is how the first Russian matryoshka was born. The toy depicted a woman in a sundress, with a rooster in her hands, and in it figures of girls and a boy, the last was a swaddled baby.

2nd guest(holds a Semyonov nesting doll in her hands). We, Semenov nesting dolls, are painted differently. We can be recognized by a large bright bouquet of flowers that occupies almost the entire apron. We have multi-colored scarves, and the edge of the scarf is decorated with a chain of small buds.

And what kind of stories did not happen to us! I'll tell you one of them. For a long time, the Semyonov craftsman Evgeny Bezrukov wandered through the forest. He was looking for a tree from which he could carve a nesting doll one meter high. I found it, cut it out and then brought the finished toy to the souvenir factory. We began to open the matryoshka, and in it - as many as 70 nesting dolls! And each in a unique outfit! We took a picture of the whole unusual family as a keepsake. Look.

(Children look at a color reproduction)

You know, guys, time leaves its mark on the plots of the Semenov matryoshka. It turned out that the outfit of a hockey player and a sailor, a tractor driver and an astronaut suited her. In Montreal, at the World Exhibition, there was one very unusual "matryoshka". Artist Roman Pchelkin decorated the body of the rocket with flowers. It opened, and inside was an astronaut, and in him - two more! Whole crew! (Shows a reproduction) These are the stories that happened with the matryoshka.

3rd guest(holds a Polkhov nesting doll in her hands).

I am Polkhov-Maidanskaya matryoshka. I was born not by chance and relatively recently - in the 20s of the last century. There is such a village in our Nizhny Novgorod region - Polkhov-Maidan. The village is large, about 700 households, and in almost every house they sharpen and paint “tararaushkas” - this is how the craftsmen call their crafts. More than one generation of villagers was engaged in this business.

Harvests in these parts were poor, the people lived hungry. Only the forest and skillful hands saved the peasant: they made cups, troughs, scoops, tubs, barrels - wooden utensils. But they started painting their products later. People heard, and they themselves saw at the fairs that wooden utensils can be decorated with a pattern. So they began to draw in a way that they had never painted anywhere else, in their own way. They took aniline paints, those with which fabrics are dyed, they chose the brightest and purest tones from them. So we, nesting dolls, are different from our older sisters. (Shows samples of Polkhov nesting dolls).

The head of the toy is slightly flattened, the shoulders have a sharp bend. This form gives the matryoshka a perky, daring look. Also pay attention to the painting. The scarf on the matryoshka is bright red, the skirt is purple. On the head, in the center of the scarf, there is a blue shamrock with a yellow core, and right from under it - burning, ringed curls. The matryoshka's face is slightly high cheekbones, with a gentle blush. The eyes are slightly narrowed and look slyly. The brightest spot is her apron. A wonderful bouquet bloomed on it. On a green curvy branch - multi-colored flowers, buds, berries. Admire me!

Matryoshka guests (in chorus).

We are funny sisters!

We are nesting dolls!

One two three four five -

We love to play hide and seek!

Matryoshka guests and other students dance merrily. The song “Merry Matryoshkas” sounds (lyrics by V. Nekrasova, music by Yu. Slonov).

We are funny nesting dolls,

Sweeties, sweeties

We have boots on our feet.

Palms, palms!

In our colorful sundresses,

almonds, almonds,

We are like sisters

Sweeties, sweeties!

We tied scarves

almonds, almonds,

Our cheeks flushed

Sweeties, sweeties!

Guys, do you know poems about Russian matryoshka?

Prepared students read poems.

Eight wooden dolls

Chubby and ruddy

In multi-colored sundresses

They live on our table

Everyone is called "matryoshka".

The first doll is thick

But inside it is empty.

She understands

into two halves

Another one lives in it.

doll in the middle.

Open this doll

There will be a third from the second.

Unscrew one half

Dense, lapped,

And can you find

fourth doll.

Take it out and have a look:

Who is hiding inside?

Hiding in her fifth

The doll is empty

The sixth lives in it,

And in the sixth - the seventh,

And in the seventh - the eighth.

This doll is the smallest

Slightly larger than a walnut.

Here they are in a row

Doll sisters are standing.

"How many of you?" - we will ask them

And the dolls will answer: “Eight!”

Teacher. Thank you, matryoshka, for the story! And now the word to you, master Gzhel!

The class includes two students, holding products from Gzhel, reading a poem by I. Kadukhina.

Porcelain teapots, candlesticks, clocks,

Animals and birds of unprecedented beauty.

The village in the suburbs has become famous now.

Its name is known to all among the people - Gzhel.

In Gzhel, the inhabitants of heavenly blue are proud,

You will not meet such beauty in the world.

The blueness of heaven, which is so sweet to the heart,

The master's brush easily transferred to the cup.

Every artist has his favorite pattern,

And each reflects a side of the darling.

Her grass is silk, her flowers are spring -

And the magical craftsmanship is admirable.

Drink wonderful tea from these cups with roses.

Meet the guests on a joyful holiday cordially.

Masters of Gzhel sing the song "Let's go to the garden for raspberries" (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko).

Thank you for the gifts! Now it's time for new guests.

The class includes two students with Gorodets toys, reading a poem by I. Kadukhina.

They brought you a bow and their gifts

From the native side, where the cranes live.

From the places that are washed by the Volga, where the golden dawn,

Where the willows are washed with blue water.

Gorodets painting - how can we not know it.

Here and hot horses, valiant to become.

There are bouquets here that cannot be described.

Here such plots, what can not be said in a fairy tale.

Look at the painting - the richness of colors beckons.

Gorodets painting gladdens our souls.

Thank you, dear guests, for your story! Now listen to the legend and guess what folk craft it is talking about.

Once upon a time, a craftsman fled from the royal disgrace to the Kerzhen forests across the Volga. He cut down a hut for himself, made benches, a table, shelves, it came to dishes. He carved cups, bowls, spoons from wood. Birds flew to him, he began to feed them with millet. Once, among other birds, a firebird flew to him. He also fed her millet. When the firebird flew away, in gratitude for his kindness, she waved her wing, touched his dishes - and it became golden.

Students. Khokhloma painting.

Khokhloma masters came to us.

Two students enter the class, holding dishes decorated with Khokhloma painting in their hands.

1st guest. No one has seen the firebird, so each Khokhloma master draws it in his own way. In addition to the drawn birds, they also cut out dishes in the form of birds: bowls, ladles, fraternization. And, besides birds, Khokhloma masters are very fond of drawing various fabulous, fantastic flowers, berries: strawberries, currants, mountain ash, viburnum.

2nd guest.

Simple in form, but pleasing to the eye.

A wonderful pattern is rich and elegant.

On the gold background with an intricate snake

The ornament winds here, try to be smart.

And somewhere Kudrin on a black field

Twinkle like stars in the sky.

Still characteristic of the whole Khokhloma

Wonderful drawing of magic grass.

Look at this familiar story.

Did you recognize the fairy tale? Did you know or not?

Your mother told you once.

Now guys will remind this fairy tale.

I. Kadukhina

Teacher. Thank you, dear guests, for your story and gifts!

III. Summary of the lesson.

Teacher. We have finished our story about folk crafts. I look at your gifts - I can not stop looking. It is difficult to choose which products are better. Yes, I won’t choose - all crafts are good!

Popular wisdom says: "Where there is work, there is happiness." We also worked and now we will show what the guys made in our workshop.

Parents and children view crafts at the exhibition. The jury selects the best crafts, awards adults and children with prizes. At the end of the holiday, children and parents sing ditties to the words of I. Kadukhina.

Our Russia is great,

And our people are talented.

About Rus' native craftsmen

The whole world is talking.

Golden Khokhloma,

She is not admired:

Both Paris and New York

Khokhloma is adorned.

In Gzhel they make dishes -

What a joy for the eyes!

Craftsmen grow up

Maybe among us.

I'll buy myself a whistle

I will trill out

Masters from Glorious Haze

We will never forget.

The guests admired the miracle

Loudly admired -

Gorodets beauty

The slain remained.

Our Russian matryoshka

Does not age a hundred years.

In beauty, in Russian talent

Everything is a secret.

You play my harmonica

You, friend, sing along,

Scenario of the performance of the 5th "Gzhel Fair"

at the school folklore festival.

December 2005

(The script was compiled by the class teacher Kashkina E.V.)
1. Scene "Thomas da Yerema"

Foma: Hello, brother Yerema.

Yerema: Hello, brother Foma.

F. - Where are you going?

Er. - I'm going to the fair.

F. - To work so behind the last, but as for the fair - ahead of the first.

Who told you about the fair?

Er. Kuma said.

F. - And how does the godfather know?

Er. - Kuma knows everything that is going on in the world. Another time the matter is not yet done, and the godfather

whispering in his ear. And two godfathers will whisper, the whole world will know. Have you ever been, brother Foma,

at the fair?

F. - I have been.

Er. - Great?

F. - I did not measure.

Er.- Strong?

F. - Didn't fight.

Er. - And who did you see at the fair?

F. - I saw how a hornless, tailless cow was driven on a chain. Her eyes are narrow and her forehead


Er.- It was a bear.

F. - What kind of bear is there? I've known a bear before, he's not like that. Gray bear, tail

long, big mouth.

Er. So it's a wolf.

F. - All of you, brother Yeryom, are not talking well, I knew the wolf before. Wolf small, eyes

oblique, long ears. He jumps from hill to hill, runs away from the dogs.

Er. - It's a hare.

F. - What kind of hare is there. I saw a hare before. The hare is white, the tail is black, it flies from tree to tree and chirps.

F. - Yes, this is an ermine. And stop telling stories, Brother Foma. Come on, let's go to the fair together. Out and the merchant with the goods rides,
(to the melody of the song "A merchant went to the fair, children come out with Gzhel products"

Went to the fair uhar-merchant,

Ukhar-merchant, daring fellow.

He brought Gzhel goods to the fair

Cups, jugs had a whole cartload.

He gathered the beautiful girls in a circle,

He snatched out a wallet with a ringing treasury.

Merchant(sings) Girls, praise my wonderful product.

I would give you all the silver as a gift.

Girls rejoice, they take cups,

They joke and dance and sing songs.

Uhar-merchant sings along, whistles.

The earth is valiantly knocking with his foot

-Gather people, the master of trade is coming!
- The sun is shining bright, our fair begins!
And if you don't visit our fair, you'll never know what...
- ... the word "Gzhel" is derived from "zhegel". That is, "burn clay"

- "Gzhel" is a special direction in the art of ceramics and porcelain

- "Gzhel" is a town in the eastern suburbs of Moscow, where wonderful Russian craftsmen, POTTERS, have worked and are still working!
You won't know what...

... Gzhel as a settlement was first mentioned in 1328 in a charter of the Moscow prince Ivan Kalita.

... that the glory of a large pottery region came to Gzhel in the 18th century, when its masters mastered the production of majolica - ceramic products covered with glaze and paints.
And you won't know that...

... the Gzhel peasant Kulikov stood at the origins of porcelain production

Stirred that mixture elastically.

In the hut, working until the morning,

Pottery wheel craftsmen

And a clay worker.

Not knowing the calculations of science,

Keeping the age-old dream

Man's hands made of clay

They knew how to sculpt beauty.

... And you will not see the production process itself, when a fairy tale is born from a shapeless piece of clay in the hands of a master.
Song based on the motive of composer Krylatov's song "Winged Swing"

They knead the clay tirelessly,

Adding sand to it.

This clay is like sour cream

And like a sunny yolk.

The wind will blow it,

A wondrous potion will be poured,

And they conjure over her,

And they sing over it.

Clay is soft like dough

You can sculpt shanezhki.

Definitely local clay

Pass for a Russian fairy tale.

Become a cup with a wonderful flower,

Or a blue skate

And a troublesome matryoshka,

And bully the cockerel

Become a water-bearing beauty

Go in a blue blouse.

With cross strip

On an elevated chest.

To hang on both sides

Buckets in the morning light.

On an openwork yoke

And on a girl's shoulder.

And the motive for painting our products was prompted by the nature of the Moscow region with its abundance of blue and blue flowers.

(dance is performed by Gushchina Natalia)
Blue birds across the white sky

A sea of ​​blue flowers.

Jugs and mugs - a true story or fiction?

Golden handicrafts.

Blue fairy tale - a feast for the eyes,

Like drops in spring

Kindness, care, warmth and patience

Russian voiced Gzhel!

Yerema: Your goods are good, well done merchants!

Thomas: Do you sell dearly, beautiful girls?

Merchant: The price is red and not easy.

Do not buy goods without knowing folklore!

We love riddles. Selling for clues! (Puzzles)

1) I was on a dig, 2. I am not afraid of fire, 3. I ran away from the market,

I was on topan, I'm not afraid of water. Yes, it was on fire.

I was on fire, (Pot) (Pot)

Was at the market

was young -

How many souls fed, 4. Four legs, two ears 5. In the belly - a bath,

How many years endured, One nose and belly. In the nose - a sieve,

I didn’t eat anything myself, I have a navel on my head,

And how fell, (Samovar) Just one hand

So it disappeared, And that one on the back

And my bones (Teapot)

And dogs don't eat.

To buy a cup, you need to quickly repeat (tongue twister)

1) The bull is stupid, 2) From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Dull-mouthed bull-calf, 3) -Have you heard about the purchase?

About what about the purchase?

The bull's lip was blunt. - About the purchase, about the purchase, about my purchase!
Merchant- Well, I'll give you all the goods in bulk, cheaply,

If the ears are on top and you listen to ditties.

Gzhel Chastushki

We are craftswomen from Gzhel

We like to draw

And any of our things

Like a beautiful girl

One stroke and two strokes

A blue flower came out. .

Roses blossomed on cups.

Flowers are not afraid of frost

Drink tea from Gzhel cups

Eat jam.

Your stomach is delicious.

Pleasure for the eyes!

Come to Gzhel tourists

Come to the store

You will always get

The best souvenir in the world!

Russia is famous for Gzhel.

It's like you're in heaven

Look at this miracle

Come to the Gzhel region!

(The script used the materials of the book "Riddles, tongue twisters, jokes", a textbook on local history "Moscow region. To the east of Moscow".

Marina Annenko
Entertainment scenario "Gzhel patterns"

Entertainment Scenario« Gzhel patterns»

To the tune of a song "Autumn" (words by T. Artyukhova)

1. What happened? White all around

Only blue flowers stood in a circle.

Blue and white...

This Gzhel came to us(2 times)

2. White field, blue flower,

How good it is for me to be with you.

The blue river birch is white ....

Oh, how good are you, Rus'! (2 times)

3. White clay, white porcelain.

Blue paint, blue pattern.

It's you, Gzhel my dear,

Thank you for coming to us (2 times)

1st teacher. Just 30 minutes drive from our kindergarten there is a place known to the whole world under the name Gzhel! Why is she famous?

1st child. IN Gzhel dishes are made from white clay.

2nd child. And paint it with blue and blue paint.

3rd child. More such dishes are not made anywhere else in the world.

2nd teacher. Work in Gzhel for glory but also know how to have fun.

Two children go to the center of the semicircle.

1st child.

Restless Boots

They themselves hear where the accordion is,

They themselves dance

My boots are.

2nd child.

We don't stand still

Won't you let me sit down?

Because of you, because of you

I'm always dancing

Both together

We ask everyone to stand up,

Let's dance the polka

Here the music plays

He invites us to dance.

(Perform polka of your choice)

All the children dance, then sit on both sides of the hall.

1st teacher. Do in Gzhel not only dishes but also figurines of people and animals (shows to children and parents)

2-educator. And once the master turned out such a nesting doll.

Performing skit"Caprilly" Then the children read poems about Gzhel(author V.K. Lobanva)

In the quiet suburbs,

river Gzhelka runs.

Along this stream

The tree is standing.

different windows

Horse on the roof

From a pure well

A sip of water.

Thickets of willow run along the river.

Craftsmen live in that village

They make painted dishes

Blue on white miracle work

white lump of clay

The master is holding

Something native felt

In the features that suddenly appeared

Here comes the hostess

Distribute food to chickens

Here's a daughter cuddled up to her mother -

Blue on white.

Thin contour color

We see on patterns

Our cheerful meadows.

White and blue wonder

Nightingale trill

You all sunk into the soul,

Our Russian Gzhel!

1st caregiver

I love Russian birch

The light one, the dark one.

In a white dress

With handkerchiefs in my pocket

Children lead a round dance to a Russian folk song "There was a birch tree in the field"

2nd caregiver

Put your ears on top

We are about Gzhel sing ditties

Children perform ditties (words by L. A. Lyapina)

I walked across the field

Found three flowers.

White, blue, light blue...

I admire beauty.

I found paint at home

Turned up her blue eyes,

Cheeks blushed...

Mom, don't scold me!

Wearing a white skirt

I wove a blue ribbon.

This is how I became

Admire me!

There are two flowers on the window

Blue and white

When, mom, I grow up,

I'll give them to my little one!

I'll look out the window

On birch and spruce.

I will invite Cyril with me

On an excursion to Gzhel!

blue clouds,

blue water

I will be the captain

You will be proud of me!

Soaps Gzhel dishes,

Split spray everywhere.

Splashes wipe - no problem!

Oh, the dishes are good!

We sang ditties to you.

Is it good? Is it bad?

Now let's ask you

for you to clap.

1st teacher.

A swan floats along the river,

Above the bank carries the head

She flaps her wings

We shake off the flowers with some water.

Girls perform a dance « Gzhel patterns» to a Russian folk song "The moon shines, the clear one shines"

1st teacher.

Let's end the holiday with a friendly song!

We will sing it all together

2nd teacher.

There is no more wonderful country on Earth,

Than the one in which we live!

Children become a semicircle and sing a song about their native land, leave.

Related publications:

Purpose: all-round development of children in the fresh air. Tasks: To carry out work on familiarization with the surrounding world. How to spend time walking.

After reviewing the publication of Irina Safarova "Didactic game" Decorate the dishes ". Gorodets painting ", I decided to show my game, made according to.

Games and fun with sand "Patterns on the wet sand" Purpose: To help children get to know the world of inanimate nature around them better. Create favorable conditions for sensory perception, improvement.

In my opinion, Gzhel painting is the most beautiful. Outlandish flowers, leaves and blades of blue are located on the snow-white background of her painting.

We met golden autumn, decorated the kindergarten "Rosinka". We watched the fall of the leaves from the window and in the garden, we did not get tired of rejoicing, the mood.

Abstract of the drawing lesson "Frosty Patterns" Topic: "Frost patterns" Purpose: teaching children how to draw patterns on the window. Tasks: Learn to draw in a certain sequence; Call.

Educators of MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 108", Syktyvkar, Komi Republic

Purpose: the formation and development of the moral, spiritual and creative potential of the child, based on the culture and creativity of the Russian people.


  • Introduce children to Russian decorative art "Gzhel" ;
  • Enrich children's impressions with the works of contemporary poets and composers (on this topic), Russian lyric music;
  • To create conditions for the development of healthy feelings, morality and creativity on the example of the culture of the Russian people.

To the Russian folk melody, children enter the music hall and become a semicircle (children are dressed in aprons and handkerchiefs painted with a Gzhel pattern)

Host: Hello! Today I invite you to a blue-blue fairy tale. (Children stand in a semicircle).

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, not far from Moscow, among the forests and fields stands the town of Gzhel. A long time ago there lived and were brave and skillful, cheerful and beautiful craftsmen. Once they got together and began to think about how to show their skills to them, to please all people, and to glorify their land. Thought and thought and thought. They found wonderful clay, white-white, in their native little side, and decided to mold different dishes from it. Yes, such a light has not seen. The Gzhel people themselves liked to say that their sky is blue-blue like nowhere else in Russia. So they decided to transfer this blue to white porcelain.


In the quiet suburbs
The river Gzhelka is running.
Along this stream
The tree is standing.

carved windows,
Horse on the roof
From a pure well
A sip of water.

Thickets of willow run along the river,
Craftsmen in that village live:
They make painted dishes,
Blue on white creates a miracle.

Masters come out and show Gzhel products. Children hold white planar products in their hands, pretending to paint them.

Slides are shown on the screen: products of Gzhel masters.

Host: And who will tell me where the name of the village came from? (In the name of this village you hear the word "burn" )

Yes, right! The inhabitants of the village happily call themselves Gzheltsy and say that nowhere is there such a blue sky as they have over the roofs of their houses, such wonderful flowers and such a blue river. So they decided to keep the blue of the sky forever and ever, so that in the rain and in the fog the dishes would glow with a heavenly color and remind of the gentle summer.

Why did people like Gzhel so much? (because it was made by the people with love and, first of all, for its unusual color)

The dishes of the masters come out snow-white, and the pattern on it is a single blue paint. But this pattern is so amazing that you want to look at it again and again.

Presenter: Each artist has his own favorite pattern, and each one reflects a darling side. Her grass is silky, her flowers are spring, and her magical skill is admirable.

Children read poetry and show dishes.

Miracle with blue flowers
blue petals,
blue flowers,
Delicate threads.

On white porcelain
Like a snowy field
From under the white snow
Blue flowers bloom.

Really, really,
Have you heard of Gzhel?
It's hard to believe, is it
Just two colors? Miracles!

That's how artists from Gzhel
Heaven is applied to the snow!
What roses and peonies
Masters write on cups.

And blue and white buds
Beautiful today, like yesterday!

L. Kulikova.

Blue - white dishes,
Tell me, where are you from?
It can be seen from afar came
And blossomed with flowers:

blue, blue,
Delicate, beautiful...
So that you can't take your eyes off
Ah, what a blessing.

S. Vakhrushev.

porcelain teapots,
Candlesticks, clocks
Animals and birds
Unseen beauty.

Village near Moscow
Famous now.
Known to all the people
Its name … (Gzhel)

Roses, leaves, birds,
Seeing us for the first time
Everyone will be surprised.

Miracle on porcelain
Blue drops.
It is called
Just painting Gzhel.

P. Sinyavsky

Cups, teapots and vases,
you can tell them right away.
White background, whiter snow,
Blue, sky blue.

Lace is a miracle
Where did it come to us from?

(children from Gzhel)

Music singing birds.

Presenter: Look, guys, a birdie brought a letter to our kindergarten. Let's open it up and see what's inside. (inside the letter questions from Gzhel masters) (Checking the knowledge of children).

What do Gzhel craftsmen make their products from? (from clay)

What products are made by craftsmen from clay? (Dishes, flowers, flowers, various bells, poppies, tulips, daisies., but the most favorite is a tea rose, caskets, toys, candlesticks depicting nature, animals, birds, cities, scenes from people's lives in drawings (walking, gatherings, round dances, tea drinking) and even entire cities.

What pattern do craftsmen decorate their products with? Wavy lines, dots, spirals, lattices, stripes, nets, droplets, roses, buds, flowers.

Do "Color Stretch" from dark blue to pale blue. Make strokes with blue paint, and then remove excess paint with a dry, clean brush.

Children sing ditties.
I walked across the field
I found three flowers there.
White, blue, blue…

I admire beauty.
I found paint at home
Turned up her blue eyes,
Cheeks blushed...

Mom don't scold me
Wearing a white skirt
Woven a blue ribbon
This is what I've become

Admire me.
There are two flowers on the window
Blue and white.
When, mom, I grow up,

I'll give them to my dear.
Look at me
I have a gzhel dress
Blue and white miracle flowers

fabulous beauty
I'm looking out the window
On birch and spruce.
I will invite Cyril with me

On an excursion to Gzhel
Washed Gzhel dishes,
Splashes scattered everywhere.
Spray wipe, no problem!

Oh, the dishes are good!
We sang ditties to you
Is it good? Is it bad?
And now we ask you

For you to clap.
Leader reads a poem
The inhabitants of Gzhel are proud
Sky blue.

You will not meet in the world
Such beauty!

The inhabitants of the village of Gzhel were very fond of playing round dance games.

A game "Mother Gzhel"

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. The leader is chosen - mother Gzhel, she stands in the center of the circle, in her hands is a blue ribbon. With the beginning of the music, it goes inside the circle, the children go in a round dance in the other direction and sing:

Mother Gzhel walked across the field,

Lost the blue ribbon

Whoever finds the tape will gain talent!

With the end of the singing, the round dance stops, and mother Gzhel waves a blue ribbon in front of the stopped couple, as if breaking it. Then he drops the tape on the floor. Children run in different directions around the circle. Whoever comes running first becomes the leader, while the others become in a general circle. The game is repeated again.

After the game, the children are asked to sit down.

Leading. What good fellows you are, guys. How much you already know. What kind of pattern do the masters decorate the middle of their products? (gzhel rose). Is a rose blue in real life? (answers). This rose must be fabulous.

Dramatization of a fairy tale "Gzhel Rose" .

Once upon a time there were masters Ivan da Marya in the royal town of Gzhel not far from Moscow. Okay, yes, they lived peacefully. Soul to soul. Ivan made dishes and went to the royal service in Moscow, while Marya waited in the hut and painted the dishes. Here is how the Tsar of Moscow says:

Go Ivan over the seas, over the oceans with gifts for the king of overseas, to tell him what masters live in Rus'. Show everyone Posad shawls, Dymkovo toys, and Khokhloma and Gzhel dishes.

Ivan recovered across the seas and oceans to the king of the overseas. He swims up to the island, and there is a marvelous city, with high palaces, painted towers and beautiful gardens. And the king of the sea rules there.

Ivan says:

I sent you a bow from the Tsar of Moscow and gifts from Russian masters.

The overseas king was surprised and said:

Your masters are good - Russian craftsmen, I have never seen such beauty. Thank you Ivan, I want to thank you for this with expensive gifts.

And Ivan replied:

I don’t need expensive gifts, but I saw a flower of unprecedented beauty in your garden.

Many flowers grow in your garden, but among them in the garden there is a special flower of unusual beauty. Allow me to take him with me, to please my wife Mary.

The king says to his gardener:

Choose the most beautiful rose and give it to Ivan.

Ivan took the rose, thanked the overseas king and set off back on his journey, he traveled for a long time and returned home. And so the rose ended up with Ivan in Rus'. And we have severe frosts in Rus'. The rose did not wither from the frost, but simply turned blue.

When Ivan returned home, he gave Marya an overseas rose.

Marya liked the blue rose very much and she said:

What a beauty, I will draw a blue rose on my Gzhel dishes.

And since then, when the masters paint the dishes, the main pattern is a blue tea rose, which is called Gzhel.

Russian lyrical melody sounds.

Presenter: Gzhel has spilled, it floats above the Earth,
Our miracle Gzhel - azure round dance!
We braided these blue flowers into patterns,
Come out, honest people, dance the Gzhel round dance!

"Lazuri round dance" , music and lyrics by M. Kuzmicheva

After the performance, the children continue to stand in a circle.

Presenter: So our journey to the Gzhel masters has ended!

And in memory of our holiday, we will give you plates with Gzhel painting so that you will remember the amazing masters of Gzhel for a long time.

Lyrical music sounds, plates are distributed to children.

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