Scenario for the holiday "Day of Birds" senior preparatory group. The scenario of the holiday in the preparatory group "Day of the Birds" educational and methodological material (preparatory group) on the theme of the Bird Festival in the preparatory group

1. If the snow melts everywhere,

The day is getting longer

If everything is green

And in the fields the stream rings.

If the sun shines brighter

If the birds are not up to sleep,

If the evening gets warmer

So, spring has come to us!

2. Bird day, bird day,

It's a bird's day on the planet!

This is the main bird festival.

Let's tell it to everyone!

Educator: Hello dear guests! We congratulate you on the spring holiday - the Day of Birds. Hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren celebrate it with us. They prepare for this holiday carefully: they make houses, feeders and hang them on trees. Who are the birds? Birds are song and flight. These are the voices of our forests, fields, mountains and deserts. The songs of birds sound on earth all year round. We proved our love for birds with a lot of preparatory work for the Day of Birds. We published wall newspapers about birds, made feeders, organized an exhibition of drawings on the theme "Take care of the birds." Our holiday begins! Poems about spring and birds.

1. Where are you, sun, wake up

Where are you starling, come back

Winter is tired of snowing

Drop, drop, drop, spring has come!

2. Boats in puddles

Run, run, run

And the grass is green

Everywhere: here and there.

3. Warmth and sun are welcome

birch and pine

Birds have returned home

Spring has come home.

4. In the earliest spring

The forest singer will sing

This finch sings

About the beloved native land.

5. Rook: Have you forgotten me?

Only spring, I'm a black rook

Checking like a doctor

Are the fields sick?

Did aphids start up in the ground?

With worms in the furrow

I will find it everywhere.

6. Starling : Hello guys! Do you recognize me?

For those who didn't know, let me introduce myself.

I stand before you

Like a young messenger of spring.

I'm glad to see my friends!

Well, my name is Starling!

There is noise, noise. Two magpies appear.

Attention attention! Urgent information! Everyone, everyone! In our kindergarten today is the Bird Festival! Now all the surrounding birds will fly here and we will have fun here! Let's fly, let's chirp! Chastushki!

1 magpie

I am a funny magpie.

I am a magpie - white-sided.

I flew through the forests

Been here and there.

2 magpies

We are funny friends

We are magpies - chatterers!

Let's sing ditties for you

Very good!

And ditties are not simple,

Fables are golden.

Listen carefully,

Clap hard!

1 forty:

A crow has flown to us

And perched on a branch.

In blue beads and a scarf -

Good, just like the picture!

2 magpies:

A woodpecker sits on a birch

Reads a book aloud.

A bear came to him

Listen, sigh!

1 forty:

Two cuckoos under the fence

Fried jam

And the starlings ate the jam

Just a meal!

2 magpies: Owl does not see well during the day,

Because he is with a lantern.

He caught a cold once

A warm scarf came in handy.

Magpies together:

We sang ditties to you

Is it good, is it bad.

And now we ask you

For you to clap us.

Educator. From the south the starlings are flying

They want to live in a new house.

But their houses are busy. And they are occupied by sparrows. See how it happens.

A starling and a sparrow come out.

Birds have flown from the south

The snow is melting, and the sparrow

Kicked out of housing.


Get out, badass!

I must live here - Starling!

Sparrow :

Never! My apartment!

I'm not a temporary resident!

I'm here blizzards and frost

Endured patiently.

And now under this roof

I am preparing a nest for the family.

And I won't touch! At least kill!

So I decided - Sparrow!


Don't be stubborn! I inherit

This house has been inherited since childhood.

Fly out, my beak is sharp ...

And not that... (throws imperceptibly feathers)

Misha went out with the birdhouse

Quickly climbed onto the roof with her,

Tied up tightly

And he said kindly!

Glad to see you both.

Protect the garden together.

Only Misha down with tears,

Sparrow daring

Moved to a new house

And reconciled with a neighbor.(They leave.)

Children come out with images of birds.

Full quorum.

1 child. Woodpecker, woodpecker, strict woodpecker

Climbing up the trunk

And knocks like a chairman

Along the stem.

2 child. Two tits ask for the words:

Whistling to their tune

They whistle and fall silent again,

The song is like swallowing it.

3 child. On branches in green chairs,

A whole brood of jackdaws,

And jackdaw, as you know,

Not a minute is silent.

Fly away from here, raven, black raven,

Without you, there's a full quorum, a full quorum.

(V. Zhukovsky)

4 child. Lark.

The dark forest glowed in the sun,

In the valley of steam, thin whitens,

And sang an early song

In azure the lark is sonorous.

Sings, sparkling in the sun.

Spring came to us young,

Here I sing the arrival of spring.

Educator. Now, let's play a little.

Game conditions: I call birds, when I call a non-bird, clap your hands.

The birds have arrived:

pigeon tits,

storks, crows,

Jackdaws, pasta.

(clap hands)

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits.

Flies and swifts

(clap hands)

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, martens...

(clap their hands.)

The birds have arrived.

Pigeons, tits,

Chibis, siskins,

Gali and swifts

Mosquitoes, cuckoos.

(clap their hands.)

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Chibis, siskins,

storks, cuckoos,

Even the owls

Swans and ducks -

Thank you joke!

Educator. Let's find out why we need birds.

Children come out, birds sing.

1st child: On our planet live

Wonderful creatures.

They fly and sing

And the earth is sacred.

Tell me children

Is it possible to live without birds in the world?

2nd child: What will happen if the birds

Will they suddenly disappear on the ground?

Insects, bugs, worms

Trees are attacked

And they will eat the bark, leaves,

Gnawing branches, buds -

That's what will be

If the birds, if the birds

All will disappear - disappear!

3rd child: And there will be no chirping,

The marvelous trills of the nightingale,

And chirping magpies

Chick - a sparrow chirp ...

It will be boring, the children know,

Live without birds in the world!

Children sing the song "Two merry geese."

Educator. I would like to end today's meeting with birds with a poem by S. Stepanova“Don't scare the frisky birds!”

1. Do not scare frisky birds!

Let them fly around

Their wings in bright light,

Like a rainbow sparkle

You listen to their songs

What do they sing in the wild!

Let the singers decorate

We have forests, orchards and fields.

2. And in a very important job

These crumbs are useful to us:

Exterminating on plants

Worms and harmful midges,

And gardens, and our fields

They protect us

Don't scare the frisky birds!

Let them fly around!

3. Let them live in forests, in gardens

And birds sing to us.

After all, they are our friends.

Nightingales, rooks, tits.

4. Besides, they bring benefits

They eat various caterpillars.

They save both forests and gardens

From scary little caterpillars.

And therefore, we must protect the birds,

Feed in winter and attract in spring.

Educator. Our holiday has come to an end. We will always remember that birds are our friends! Thank you for your attention! See you soon!

Municipal preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 11 "Skazka"

Holiday "Day of Birds"

For senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten

Prepared by:

Maksimova Elena Alekseevna,

tutor of the first category

G. Belozersk

Vologda Region


Holiday "Day of Birds"

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction; Conversations with children;

Observations, excursions;

Learning skits, poems, proverbs, songs, dances.


1. Raise the desire to preserve and protect nature;

2. Cultivate love for "our smaller brothers";

3. Expand children's ideas about birds, the diversity of the world of birds, their important role in nature and for humans;

5. Encourage children to take care of and protect birds;

6. Summarize the knowledge of children about spring changes in the life of birds;

7. Develop an idea of ​​ecological holidays.

The course of the holiday

The central wall is decorated with the Spring Forest panel. Children enter the music, become a semicircle.

Educator: If the snow melts everywhere

The day is getting longer

If everything is green

And in the fields the stream rings.

If the sun shines brighter

If the birds are not up to sleep

If the wind gets warmer

So spring has come to us.

The song performed by the children "Spring" sounds.

Dear Guys! April 1 is celebrated as International Bird Day. Do you know about the benefits that birds bring? ( We participate in the discussion). Well done!

This holiday is celebrated on April 1 and coincides with the Day of Laughter and all kinds of practical jokes, but it arose much earlier, more than a hundred years ago. World Bird Day was established in 1906, when the International Convention for the Protection of Birds was signed. Russia joined this convention in 1927, but the Day of Birds has been celebrated since 1918. The tradition of taking care of birds originated with us a long time ago. Birds decorate the earth. Without them nature is dead. Their cheerful, sonorous song pleases the soul, enlivens nature. But it is not easy for birds to endure the winter cold, especially when the wind sweeps large snowdrifts, it is difficult for them to get food. Guys, let's remember how we took care of the birds all winter (hung feeders, fed them).

Children read poems: T. Evdoshenko "Take care of the birds."

We know a lot about birds

And at the same time not enough.

And everyone needs: both you and us,

To make them more

For this we save

Your feathered friends

Otherwise, we will reduce to zero

Our winged singers.

Eat trees and fruits

insect larvae.

And all the gardens will thin out.

Without our familiar birds!

It is no coincidence that this holiday is celebrated in the spring. It is in spring that we are so glad to hear the friction of birds. For birds, spring songs are a very serious and important matter. Only males sing.

Educator: And the people said this:

When the sun warms up

Then the water will spill

Then the forest will turn green

Then the birds will come!

The song "The snow is melting, the ice is melting .... »

Spring is the time when nature awakens, birds return to their native lands!

Children, do you hear the birds sing their beautiful songs! Let's listen!

(After a little listening to bird voices, children (migratory birds) come out from behind the screen: Sasha - rook, Lena. - swallow, Kolya - starling (children of the preparatory group)

Birds: Hello guys!

Children: Hello friends!

Child: Tell the birds, where have you been?

Swallow: In hot countries, hot summer, no winter, no snow there!

Child: Tell me, birds, what did you see?

Rook: Giant elephants roam there, monkeys scream all day long, creeper trees grow there, bananas grow on palm trees.

Child. Did you live well, are you away from home?

With whom did you make friends there in unfamiliar countries?

Starling: We missed the trees, the ringing stream, the birdhouse, the trees, the neighbor's sparrow.

Child: We were waiting for you very, very much, you would dance with us.

Round dance "Oh, the water is running in a stream, there is no snow, there is no ice ...." Educator: Birds return in strict order: first those who peck grains, then waterfowl, then those that feed on insects.

Educator: Children, tell me, what migratory birds do you know? (nightingale, rook, cuckoo, starling, stork, crane, swallow, duck).

And now I want to check how well you know these birds.

Riddles about birds

1. That's the bird - what a bird!

And do not confuse with the other. Maybe it's number two? The neck is arched! (Swan)

2. The little yellow bird freezes,

Feed her, poor thing.

Give me seeds and lard,

To make it easier in winter. (Titmouse)

And in June and in the heat

I bring out my rolls

In the park, in the grove and in the forest.

These trills, overflows

Melodic and beautiful. (Nightingale)

4. In the yard I am the queen.

There is my house, on the branch on the left.

A bird in gray-black feathers,

I am smart, cunning, agile. (Crow)

5. On a pole - a palace,

There is a singer in the palace. (Starling)

6. A leaf is pinned at the hollow, And an uncle lives there. (eagle owl).

7. Front - awl,

Behind - fork,

Above - black cloth,

Below is a white towel. (Martin)

8. Hide, chickens! In the clear sky

It circles with a black shadow. (hawk).

9. Who is on the tree, on the bitch

Counting: cuckoo, cuckoo. (Cuckoo.)

10. All migratory birds are blacker,

Cleans arable land from worms.

Jump back and forth across the arable land.

And it's called a bird. (rook).

11. I knock on wood

I want to get a worm

Though hidden under the bark -

Anyway, he will be mine (Woodpecker)

12. Naughty boy

In a gray coat

Drifting around the yard

Collects crumbs. (Sparrow)

Educator: Who knows how all birds are similar?

Children: (the body is covered with feathers, have a beak, carry eggs, hatch chicks)

Educator: What is the difference between birds?

Children: (size, beak, coloration, voice, habitat)

The game "Which bird is superfluous? »

Educator: Birds are our friends, you can’t offend them. They benefit people.

Do you know what benefits birds bring to people? (children's answers)

Song "Little Bird"

Educator: Children, do you know who teaches birds to sing? (children's answers)

Listen to the poem that I will read

great bass

Lived in the northern forests

Owl is the best of singers,

Possessing the same

Popular with owls

But understand his vocals

Could only be the one who delved into the essence.

How wonderfully he lisped!

How charmingly hiccupped!

And, like a tree, it creaked!

And like the wind, he hummed!

And he cried like a cuckoo!

And roared white!

The truth is, from those forests

Everyone fled except for the owls.

Well, it's impossible for everyone

Satisfy in the end! S. Vostokov

Educator: And now we will get into an unusual school.

Scene "Owl and students."

Joyfully and loudly

You sing "ding-dong"

Fun and subtle.

Three children play the metallophone on one record and sing: “Ding-ding, ding-dee-lin.” Owl thanks them, approaches a group of children with rattles.

Owl. You listen in the forest silence

Noise of leaves and wind:

He is gentle and very quiet.

Like the wings of a moth.

Children rattle rattles.

Owl praises them, approaches the children with drums.

Owl. Drum ringing sound

It is distributed: knock-knock-knock.

We will repeat it now.

And we argue with nature.

The children are playing the drum.

Owl. Now let's all play together.

"Orchestra" performs any melody.

Owl. The bird choir is ready.

Children sing the song "Bird Choir".

Educator: There are many poems about birds!

Child: Sing along, sing along:

Ten birds - a flock.

This bird is a nightingale

This bird is a sparrow.

This bird is an owl

Sleepy head.

This bird is a waxwing

This bird is a corncrake

This bird is a bird

Gray feather.

This one is a finch.

This one is a haircut.

This one is a merry siskin.

Well, this one is an evil eagle.

Birds, birds - go home!

Child: Green grass grows beyond the swamp,

A crane is walking on the water, a crane is walking.

Oh, how he raises his legs high!

Oh, how wide the wings open!

He wants to walk on the grass

But he is afraid that his feet will get wet.

Child: Dear songbird, dear swallow.

You returned home from your native land.

Above the window winds with a live song

“I brought spring and the sun with me”

Child: Our old tenants are returning.

From invisible rays, a stream ran from the mountain.

And a small snowdrop grew on a thawed patch,

Child: Starlings are returning - Our old tenants.

Sparrows at the puddle

They circle in a noisy flock. Child: Both the robin and the thrush are busy making nests.

They carry them, they carry them to the houses Birds at straws.

Child: Nightingale singer of spring Our garden fell in love, And there it is already a warm nest For the little ones he made. As soon as the red sun sets, As soon as the evening comes - The nightingale sings sadly, All night long ...

Child: Why, grannies, do starlings fly from the south?

There it is dry and light, there it is satisfying and warm.

And they were lucky with the weather, what do they lack?

Why are you running home in the evening from the garden?

Starling: There it is both satisfying and warm, there it is both dry and light,

Yes, and with a friend was lucky, what more do you need.

Because this is my house, because my mother is in it.

Here I play and shine, I just love my house.

Song "Meeting"

Rook: Rooks walk through the fields,

Tits are ringing in the garden.

Streams run here and there

The sun sparkles in them.

Mobile game "Migratory birds"

Child: Across the sea, through the mountains, a flock of birds fly to us

We will build a city for them, called Bird City.

Educator: Guys, let's help the birds! Invite to tables.

Productive activity:

Modeling birds - plasticine (middle subgroup)

Making nests from natural materials (senior subgroup)

Bird design - cardboard, paper

On nests, we will plant birds from cardboard, we will place birds from plasticine nearby.

Child: And today, on spring day, we will celebrate a bird's housewarming party!

Educator: The birds will be very happy that we meet them,

will give funny songs!

Song "Bird House"

Surprise moment.

Educator: Today we met birds returning from the south, listened to how they sing, admired their outfit, helped them settle in houses. I see that you are good friends to the birds and will never offend them. Tomorrow, when you wake up, you will hear them singing again. May it always be so.

Educator: Cuckoo, what are you doing here? Children, do you know that the cuckoo throws its eggs into other people's nests?

Cuckoo. Guys, don't worry, I arrived with gifts. These delicious toys are for you.

The cuckoo distributes flowers from the basket to the children (flowers made of crepe paper, the base is Chupa-Chups candy)

Educator: So the holiday has come to an end.

Don't kill the birds!

Protect bird nests!


1.E.A. Alebeva. "Final days on lexical topics". "Creative Center", Moscow. 2008

2. Z.A. Efanova. "Speech development. Additional materials. Birds, Corypheus, Moscow. 2005 year.

3. O. E. Gromova. G.N. Solomatina, I.V. Pereverzeva. "Poems and stories about the animal world." "Creative Center", Moscow, 2005.

4. Internet resources.

So, you need to start from the hall. The hall is decorated in accordance with the theme of the two holidays. You can stick up portraits of clowns, birds, hang appropriate posters, make a large unit and hang balloons. Do not forget about the seating of the guests and the musical arrangement. Another important thing is the appearance of children. Outfits can be supplemented with paper crowns depicting birds. Scenario for middle and senior group.

Timoshka (clown)
Gena (sparrow),
Bleskin (magpie),

small gifts for winning competitions, pencils and leaves.

Children and the Teacher enter the hall to the music. The children take their places.

Here comes April
And the drops are already ringing,
The sun shines outside the window
I'm not too lazy to congratulate you.
On this day, there are two events,
Here is happiness, beauty,
Let's honor the birds today
And we celebrate the day of humor!
There will be jokes, there will be dances,
There will be songs and poems
We start our holiday
We love birds very much!

(Timoshka runs into the hall)

I came to you for a holiday,
I will give you a smile
I'll sing a song now!
I'm a little late though
But that's why I and Timoshka,
I will play with you
And celebrate the day of laughter!

Of course, we are glad to see you, but our holiday is dedicated to birds, so if you want, you can sit in an empty seat, and then the turn will come to dancing.

The proposal is interesting, and I love birds, oh well, I'll sit and listen.

That's wonderful. Guys, did you know that today two birds flew to visit us, who will gladly tell you about their lives. And so, meet - sparrows Gena, forty Bleskin!

(Birds appear in the hall)

I'll tell you so friends
I have seen a lot in my life
I'll tell you about everything
It was a long road!

I'm so beautiful
I amaze with beauty
I'm flying high
Everyone admires me!

In general, I will tell you about my appearance. We are small birds, sedentary, get along well next to people. Our beak is cone-shaped, powerful and it is very convenient, especially if you peck and crush seeds. The weight of our family is tiny and reaches only 40 grams, and the height can be up to 18 cm, but this is if you take into account the tail. As you can see, our coloring is not variegated, which allows us to merge with the environment. And the most interesting thing is that in my form there are such interesting and special families. There is a family of short-legged, snow finches, they can usually be found in deserts, a family of true and stone sparrows. We are very mischievous, interesting, and most importantly kind birds that constantly live in the same place and chirp loudly. Be kind to us, make feeders, throw bread crumbs, and I only ask you very much, do not throw chewing gum on the ground, we sometimes take them for food, and then it is difficult to tear them off from the beak.

Thank you dear Gena, in the future, we promise to treat you more attentively. Magpie Bleskina, you have the floor.

Well, as I said, I am a very important, beautiful, beautiful, and most importantly smart bird from the corvid family of the genus Magpie. My color is bright, noticeable, original. Our kind gets along well with people, especially if they have shiny things. One characteristic feature of our species is the long tail. The black plumage has a metallic sheen, giving us even more elegance. The weight of the representatives of our family reaches up to 233 grams, and the height is about 51 cm. But our wingspan is as much as 90 cm, that's how unique we are. We are not too fond of flights, so we are considered sedentary. Well, what, I personally adore my house, it is so warm, cozy, shiny! Thanks to a powerful beak, we easily get our own food, and we carry various items in the nests. Smarter than forty of us, birds simply cannot be found. Be attentive to us and make compliments more often!

How many interesting things we learned with you! But we also have something to tell, right, children?

(Children answer in chorus, and then everyone presents their bird depicted on the crown)

What do you say Timoshka, are you interested?

How much I learned today! Wow, it’s even hard to imagine how many interesting birds there are in the world!

What's this! Here in our family, how many individuals can be found!

Yes, what will you take? Small, cheeky and always chirping! No style, no taste!

This is what we have! Yes, we have, we have, what a potential! And people love us!

(begins to argue)

Quiet, what are you! Here are the children! Remember, every bird is needed, every bird is important! And so that you do not argue, our guys will read you poems, and then you will understand that your argument is useless, that friendship is more important than disagreements.

What beautiful verses
I'm glad that I came to you for the holiday,
You learned all the lines
Such a wonderful kid!

I am also very pleased
And I'll tell you, by the way,
You are great fellows
What everyone can remember!

I thought a little here
Well, that's why I and Timoshka,
I need to play with you
Let's stretch our legs a little!

I don't mind, otherwise the wings
Numb me
I'll straighten them out a bit
It's time to fly!

I came up with a game for you
Repeat everything after me
We will fly with you
Stretch our hands!

(Timoshka stands in front of the children and, to the music, begins to make different movements with his hands, and the children repeat)

I'm interested, tell me
You are all smart friends
And guess riddles
I'll give you a present!

(Makes riddles about birds. The child who gives the most correct answers will receive a small prize)

Puzzle options:
1. He loves frogs very much,
And nests on the rooftops
And still brings children
Guess who is this?

2. Small, snooty and nimble,
He is the king of the whole court,
He chirps, flies,
Get into fights sometimes!

3. Everything shiny to your liking,
Kar-kar-kar sometimes screams,
I put on black feathers,
Sitting in his nest!

4. Migratory black bird,
Likes to feed on worms
Likes to rest in the fields
And scare all the insects there.

5. Long neck and red paws,
Can hiss and pinch at the heels!

6. Heals trees in the forest,
It pierces the bark with its beak.

7. In the fields he sings so loudly, loudly,
And he builds his nest there,
And there are poems about him, songs,
The bird is known to everyone for a long time!

(Riddles may be different and more)

Let's have a song with you
We'll sing now friends
We will only sing together
I can't do without you!

(Sing the song "Dance of the Little Ducklings" and dance)

Now let's draw
I've been dreaming of a portrait for a long time,
Here we sing and dance
I offer you creativity!

And why is it you? I deserve a portrait too! I'm prettier than you!

Are you old again? Let's agree, now we will distribute leaflets and pencils to the children, and they will draw the bird that they themselves wish. Do you agree?

Agree. Maybe someone will draw me.

Or me.

(Children are given sheets and pencils. Each of them should depict a bird. Time 3-5 minutes)

We drew with you
Need to play again
I need to laugh with you
Can dance again!

I came up with, I came up with

Holiday "Birds meet." Older age group

At the end of each school year, our kindergarten hosts an open day. Educators, methodologists, heads of other kindergartens, methodologists of the district department of education, teachers and directors of schools are invited. Well, of course, our permanent assistants are our beloved parents, library workers, and the House of Culture.

Before each such holiday, we are very worried and worried! But, our children are the most intelligent, liberated, artistic and our holidays are held on "Hurrah".

One of these holidays is the holiday "WE MEET BIRDS", as a result of the project "April is the bird's month".

Colossal work was carried out with parents, with the society of the village. With the help of parents, a folding exhibition about birds “What did we learn about birds?” Was arranged, costumes were prepared for the participants, the words of songs and poems were learned, the quiz “What do you know about birds?” was guessed, dads made birdhouses that we hung on trees.

We picked up works about birds by different writers and poets, memorized incantations, poems, designed a stand “April is the month of birds” in the reception area, organized an exhibition of birds from our region in the nature center, made riddles, painted coloring pages, drew, learned songs and dances.

Goals: to have an idea about Russian folk holidays, we continue to acquaint you with folk signs, incantations, show the multicolor and diversity of the world of birds, cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards birds, form the ability to draw conclusions about relationships and interdependence in nature, generalize children's knowledge about spring changes in life birds.

The course of the holiday

The celebration takes place in the music hall. The central wall is decorated with the "Spring Forest" panel.

Children stand in a semicircle.

The teacher reads the riddle:

The snow is melting, the icicles are crying,

Streams run, ringing,

The wind is warm - it means

What has already come ... (spring)

Why does this all happen in the spring? (lead to the fact that the sun is bright, shines, warms)

Does your mother ever call you "my sun"?

And now let's turn into suns, and your hands will be warm, affectionate, kind rays. Let your rays warm you with warmth, give a spring mood to all guests, come up with your own hands - embrace the hands of guests with rays. Now come to me, stand in a circle and hug yourself and let you all have a spring mood.

And the people said this:

When the sun warms up

Then the water will spill

Then the forest will turn green

Then the birds will come!

The song "The snow is melting, the ice is melting ..."

Let's call the birds to us. Bird's call "You are little birds, chirping ..."

Guys, listen, the birds sing their songs! Let's listen! (Children listen)

(At this time, migratory birds come out: Denis - rook, Varya Sh. - swallow, Alyosha - starling)

Children greet birds: Hello, our friends!

Birds: Hello guys!

Varya: Tell the birds, where have you been?

Varya Sh.: In hot countries, hot summer, no winter, no snow there!

Maksim: Tell me, birds, what did you see?

Denis: Giant elephants roam there, monkeys cry all day long, creeper trees grow there, bananas grow on palm trees.

Nastya K. Did you live well, are you away from home?

With whom did you make friends there in unfamiliar countries?

Alyosha: We missed the trees, the ringing stream, the birdhouse, the trees, the neighbor's sparrow.

Elvira: We were waiting for you very, very much, you would dance for us.

Round dance "Oh, the water runs in a stream, there is no snow, there is no ice ..."

Guys, what migratory birds do you know? (nightingale, rook, cuckoo, starling, stork, crane, swallow, wagtail, duck)

Riddles about birds

1. The tail of this bird is forked at the end, like a fork (swallow)

2. This bird is very mobile. Even while resting every minute he waves his long tail (wagtail)

3. Why do starlings, jackdaws ride cows and horses? (carry wool in nests, peck out insects)

4. What is the name of the bird that hunts flies? (flycatcher)

6. Lover of getting up very early (lark)

7. A bird living along the banks of rivers, seas, with short legs, long wings (gull)

8 A bird that lays eggs in other people's nests? (cuckoo)

There are many poems about birds, Let's listen!


Sweet songbird, dear swallow.

You returned home from your native land.

Above the window winds with a live song

“I brought spring and the sun with me”

Lera Stepanova

The singers are returning, our old tenants.

From invisible rays, a stream ran from the mountain.

Both the robin and the thrush were busy making nests.

They carry them, they carry them into bird houses by straws.


Why, grandma, do starlings fly in from the south?

There it is dry and light, there it is satisfying and warm.

And they were lucky with the weather, what do they lack?

Why are you running home in the evening from the garden?

There it is hearty and warm, there it is dry and light,

Yes, and with a friend was lucky, what more do you need.

Because this is my house, because my mother is in it.

Here I play and shine, I just love my house.

Song about birds "Meeting"


Rooks walk through the fields, tits ring in the garden.

Streams run here and there, the sun sparkles in them.

Game "Lake and streams"

Swallow Varya Sh.

I have been overseas, I missed my native land.

I flew to you with warmth, I will build a new house

The song "Swallow" performed by Vari Sh.


Across the sea, through the mountains, a flock of birds fly to us

We will build a city for them, a bird city - Bird City.

Guys, let's help the birds! Invite to tables.

Productive activities: by centers

Modeling birds - plasticine

Nest making - natural material 10 min!

Bird design - cardboard, paper

We give birds to guests, arrange nests, put plasticine birds in nests


And today, on a spring day, we will celebrate a bird's housewarming

We will hang these houses all together on trees.

Thanks to our parents for the birdhouses they made!

The birds will be very happy that we meet them, they will give funny songs!

Dance Melody "A nightingale sang in the grove ..."

Surprise moment. While we were having fun, the birds built a nest, laid eggs and give you! (kinders)

Our holiday has come to an end. Don't kill the birds! Protect bird nests!

Galina Vasilievna Tikhanovich
Scenario for the holiday "Day of Birds" senior preparatory group

« bird day»

MDOU "Fairy tale" 2017

Musical director: Tikhanovich G.V.


1. Lead-

2. Spring -

3. Rook - reb

4. Bear - reb

5. Cuckoo reb

The course of the holiday

Children enter the hall to the birdsong (record).

Vedas: Today we have gathered for holiday"Bird Housewarming". The Russian people have custom: to light holiday Annunciation to release from the cages of birds into the wild. And also fathers made toy birds for children, and grandmothers and mothers baked birds from dough, and instead of an eye they inserted a raisin. The children rejoiced, they sang songs, danced round dances. So today we will start round dances, we will sing songs, we will glorify spring, we will call birds.

1reb: Spring is coming to us with quick steps

And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.

Black thawed patches are visible in the fields.

It can be seen that spring has very warm feet.

round dance "Vesnyanka"

Vedas: As they said in antiquity, songs - stoneflies close the winter, in the spring - they open the red road. Let's invite Spring to our holiday.

Spring comes to the music: Hello guys! I hurried to you holiday and she came and brought riddles to you. If you guess correctly, the answer will appear in front of you. Listen!

1. Gathered birds, singers gathered in herds, herds.

sat down birds, the singers sat in rows, rows.

Black, agile, screaming "krak", all worms are the enemy!

2reb (rook): I am a rook, I am the 1 herald of Spring!

Spring: Yes, the rook is the first of all migratory birds returns to its homeland in the spring, but in the fall it flies to warmer climes as the last. People do not say in vain "The rooks have arrived, they brought spring". Here he is, my envoy, a bold rook! Come on, guys, let's say a nickname about him.

Children (in chorus):

Rooks - kirichi, whose are you! Whose are you!

We are spring! We are spring! We came. We came!

Cranes fly, all over Rus' shout:

“Goo-hoo-hoo! Gu-gu-gu, we bring spring! We bring spring!

3 reb: We are preschool children, we invite all birds.

Come, whoever wants to, we love you very, very much!

Vedas: You, Spring, sit down, rest and listen to how the guys guess riddles to each other and how quickly they solve them.

4 reb: In the middle of the forest blacksmiths forge (woodpeckers).

5 children: On a pole - a palace, in a palace - a singer (starling).

Spring: I am very worried about my feathered friends, who have a difficult, long journey to their native lands. What is waiting for them here?

6 children: Through the mountains, across the sea in a flock birds fly to us,

We will build a city for them, a bird city - bird city!

Show birdhouses.

7 children: The birdhouses are ready, you can settle in, the houses are ready - the tower,

Fly, fly, funny birds, hurry up at home!

A game "Find your home"

Vedas: We still have riddles.

Sing in the garden, you chirp both during the day and at night tyoh - tyoh, fut - futi.

9reb: Who always screaming: “Ku-ku! I can't find my kids!?

Song "The cuckoo is calling friends"- all children.

Spring (rises): But my riddles are more difficult. Can you answer them?

Then listen!

1. What birds come to you for the winter? (bullfinches, tits).

2. What birds fly away to warmer climes for the winter?

3. What birds are the last to fly south from us, and the very first to return? (rooks).

4. What birds are the very first to fly south from us, and the very last to return? (swallows)

5. How do you help our wintering birds survive the cold winter?

6. What can you feed them? (titmouse - bacon; bullfinches - mountain ash, etc.).

7. What kind of bird builds a nest on the ground, and in order to sing its song, it flies so high into the sky that it is difficult to see it, but the song is heard very well? (lark).

Well done guys, you know everything! Let's listen "Song of the Lark" P. I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons"(March).

10reb: Lark, lark!

Take winter for yourself, and give us spring!

11 children: Lark, lark,

Take yourself a sleigh, and give us a cart!

Vedas: Our world would be boring and colorless without birds, flowers, without re and forests. And if you see that someone picked up a stone to throw it at a cat, bird - stop it, do not let evil be done, and never offend our smaller brothers yourself. After all, flowers bloom - for us, a brook murmurs - for us, birds songs are sung - for us.

Spring: Wonderful we have today holiday! Which one then holiday without food? Here I am for you ancient Russian custom brought a treat - larks from dough. Take them, go outside, call the birds, play, have fun. And it's time for me to go to the forests, to the fields. I woke up the birds. I'll go now to wake up the leaves and flowers (leaves).

Children with a teacher go to the sites, say invocations, play a game "Brook" and other outdoor games.

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